Preliminary Task

Brief: A continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.

This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.


  • I have used the following camera techniques…. Medium close up, close up, long shot, wide shot, high angle and low angle.
  • I used these techniques to create a sense of mystery and tension.
  • I have learnt to use the following continuity editing rules… Match on action and the 180-degree rule and shot reverse shot.
  • I used these rules to… Are used to create space and show that a conversation was happening between the two characters. I did this with shot reverse shot and the 180-degree rule. I also used match on action and this for for a vary of clips, i used it for walking down the stairs walking towards the door, a close up of opening the door then finally walking into through the door.
  • I have learnt to use the following tools/techniques in Premiere Pro… I have learnt the set in and the set out tool, transition effects and effects on sound.
  • I used these tools to…cut out the parts that where no good for the final edit, this was the set in and out tool. i also used transitions for start my clip from black and to end with black, we also did a fade out with our sound effect at the end.
  • If I was to do this project again I would do some things differently,… I would add different sound effects so it sound more professional rather than just like a recording. I would also watch all of my footage before we finished our recording to make sure we have not missed anything and everything is right.

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