Visual Planning

Intro: In this task we had to make mood boards that included ideas that we could use in our thriller. These ideas where not discussed in the group and are our own original ideas. We then presented our ideas to the rest of the group. This was useful as it gave us all a chance to input on the project and we can also see other ideas other than our own.


Click here to see my mood board

On my story board I looked at various common thriller aspects, I found some locations that would be good, I also looked at some possible weapons props and costumes that could be used. One of my main ideas is to have someone kill themselves. I used the idea that they would be in a wedding dress or a suit and tie and that they where going to drown themselves.


Click here to see Jonny’s mood board

Jonny’s mood board focused on the idea on someone getting murdered in a shop or butchers by a psychopathy. His idea originated from The Missing. Jon’s costume ideas where for the psychopath to wear a bunny mask.


Click here to see charley’s mood board

Charley’s mood board focused on a chase. She wanted to create tension and suspense. This mood board mainly focuses on locations and what is happening during her ideal thriller opening.

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