Draft 3 (Edit includes music and foley sounds)

Intro: We have now completed our first draft with sound. This is a completed first draft of the final thriller as it has got all of the elements. In this post we will be getting feedback on our sound and the thriller in general. We now have one week to make last little tweaks and to finalize everything.

Feedback Summary – 

The use of the chimes and bells are goods it gives it a spooky feel. We need to enhance and make bolder our sound stabs. Some of our shots last too long which is a problem as it will become boring. The lens flare is good as it gives it a beautiful but dark feeling. Some of the shots are to static, they need to have a bit of movement to them. The submerged title comes too soon and it does not long for long enough, this need to last for longer to give the audience time to read it. Make the last shot that fades to the water at the end last for longer. This will give it more feeling.

Self Assessment – 

What is going well:

  1. The bells and chimes create a drone like sound which gives it mystery and a spooky feeling.
  2. The wind is good as is realistic and we have played with the balance of stereo so it travels from left to right when appropriate.
  3. The colour correction is good as most of our shots now all look the same.


  1. We need to add more sound to the fall at the end, It is a bit to dead and it needs to be bolder
  2. We need to make our sound stabs bolder.
  3. We need to add a sound stab when our title comes in to make it a big moment and to make it more dramatic.

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