Audience Research

We conducted 4 interviews with slightly different demographics, asking about their thoughts on thriller films, and also their general interests and media consumption. We also specifically asked about these four film covers, to see which they would find most appealing, but also least attractive. The four films consisted of Gone Girl, A Walk Among The Tombstones, The Maze Runner and The November Man:


Gone_Girl_Poster   a_walk_among_the_tombstone_poster-717x1024   8X5_CHAR_BANNER_MAZE_101703   the-november-man-poster

Below are the interviews about thriller films:

Bianca, 18, Female:

John, 46, Male:

Becky, 19, Female:

Jodie, 16, Female:


We analysed the Taken poster, as its a typical thriller so we could find out information about audience profiles for thrillers. Click the image below to view the analysis:

Beth and Amber TAKENEESS

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