Montage Production Task

We have learnt about how montage is used in film, it compresses time to transport the viewer to the the future, or the outcome of a certain task. This can be a really useful technique in films because it allows a lot of time to past very quickly, to the story line can proceed. We decided to make a short montage film ourselves, on taking something out of the vending machine.

Before filming this, we created a quick story board to be sure we’d include various camera techniques and know what we wanted to film. You can view this below:


We included various techniques that are typical in a montage film, such as:

  • An eye-line match, such as when the character was choosing what to have, we filmed a close up of her looking  down, and then matches when the camera tilts down to see the content of the vending machine.
  • A match on action, such as when the character was putting money into the vending machine, we get a shot of her holding the coins and then putting them toward the machine, but it then cuts to a close up of her actually inserting them in.
  • Additionally, we used a point of view shot from the perspective of the bottle which added to this feeling of distance from the character, as you’re just watching their actions.

If I was to do this again, I would have taken a few more shots, as when the character is going to pick up the bottle, you miss when she’s going down to pick it up, and so that part of the clip doesn’t flow very well. Additionally, I may have made it more focused on the actual vending machine, as there was quite a lot of time based on getting there which may be a little irrelevant. Additionally, I that adding some more interesting effects whilst editing could really improve it, so next time I would like to experiment more with this.

Below you can watch our finished montage film, The Vending Machine:

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