Narrative Ideas and Moodboard

We started to brainstorm some ideas for our thriller, and made a mind map which included ideas for the mise-en-scene, cinematography and narrative. We wanted to know exactly what kind of product our team were looking to create, and this helped to organize our thoughts!  You can view the mind map of ideas below:

Thriller Ideas

From this process we came to the conclusion we wanted our film to have quite a simple narrative with just two characters. We considered including flashbacks within our film, but decided that this would be too much to include, and there was a possibility that is would really confuse the flow of the film. Therefore, we came up with the idea of a man being kidnapped, where he then wakes up in this attic room and starts trying to escape, while the antagonist is watching him from a CCTV camera, and slowly makes his way towards him. We plan to include a small montage within the film, where the antagonist is getting prepared to meet with the protagonist, and puts his gloves on, fills the syringe/needle and shuts down the CCTV. The two characters will not have any direct confrontation, we will just imply that the antagonist will commence to do something to the protagonist.

We created a Pinterest board including some of our ideas about location, characters, mise-en-scene, lighting and cinematography, which you can view below:

Follow Amber’s board Thriller Inspiration on Pinterest.

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