Effects and Titles

After looking at the different types of titles that might suit our film, we finally picked one that worked with those themes of espionage and surveillance. We chose to use something we thought quite similar to the Bourne films. These kind of titles are really straight forward, simplistic and I think this fits in really well with our thriller.


Here you can see the kind of clean cut typography we planned to use as inspiration for our own titles.








These are six of the different fonts that we really liked. I think they fit really well into our thriller.



In the programme, After Effects, we were able to choose with great detail the position, fill, stroke and size of our font. This really helped to create this more individual look, and enabled us to create exactly what we visualized.


We were able to change setting such as scales, effects and animations. This is where we added the animation ‘Decode’ which works really well with our thriller, because it runs on themes such as espionage.













For our main title, we wanted to have a slightly different effect, and so we created a zoom in effect after the 'Decoder' animation finishes, this implies its the title of the film in a much more obvious, and thriller-esque way.

For our main title, we wanted to have a slightly different effect, and so we created a zoom in effect after the ‘Decoder’ animation finishes, this implies its the title of the film in a much more obvious, and thriller-esque way.

We animated our text with 'Decode', once we had imported it into Premiere Pro we changed the position and scale of the text throughout the timeline, so it would appear to glide off the screen. This was something we really liked about the Bourne film titles.

We animated our text with ‘Decode’, once we had imported it into Premiere Pro we changed the position and scale of the text throughout the timeline, so it would appear to glide off the screen. This was something we really liked about the Bourne film titles.

From the various fonts, we ended up choosing this, we made it so that the different lines of the text were quite close together.

From the various fonts, we ended up choosing this, we made it so that the different lines of the text were quite close together.

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