Final Targets

From all our feedback on our third draft, there are a few things we will change to improve our thriller before the final cut, including:

  • Titles – When were were talking to our peers they thought the final title of the film should be in a different colour, maybe black text on a white background, which would work better with the actual name as well.
  • Sound – They also suggested putting some kind of chase-like music when the protagonist realizes they’re being chased by this mysterious villainous character. Additionally, they thought we could possibly put some more sound effects throughout the film, especially within the shots with our antagonist, to create an even more apprehensive atmosphere.
  • Shot length – There were some shots which our peers thought could do with being a bit shorter, and some a bit longer, such as the shot with the eye through the key hole, we plan to lengthen and shorten these before our final draft.

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