July 3

Test Shoot

In order to develop a deeper understanding of how we’re filming our narrative, we filmed two different versions of the same scene. The first version depicts what our scenes would look like if we didn’t film to edit. Only one perspective, and angle is used, and there is no range of movement, rendering it boring to our audeince. This version is shown below:

The second version of our sequence shows the same clip being shot from a variety of different angles, increasing the interest, and following the sequence. We utilesed ‘match on action’ and encoded narrative codes to portray the correct narrative. We included media language for our audience to decode (Hall). This version is shown below:

Overall, the audience of our music video will achieve a more postive reading from the second version, and they will be more engaged with the story, as they are fully aware of their surroundings.

Posted 3rd July 2024 by ashmapp in category Component 3, Preliminary Video Tasks

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