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Thousand Cranes – Chikako as the Antagonist

Narrative Clues that Establish Kurimoto Chikako as an Antagonistic Force in Chapters 1 to 3:

  • Chikako is introduced through her birthmark, which connotes impurity and implies that she will grow to be a blemish in Kikuji’s life.
  • She is also immediately associated with Mr. Mitani’s adultery, which is not only a sinful act, but one directly tied to Kikuji’s lineage.
  • The hypocritical act of becoming ‘his mother’s ally’ feels wrong in Kikuji’s close and complex family setting , and ‘indeed a too hard-working ally’ implies that she is not wanted in that maternal role.
  • We learn that Chikako is a woman infested with spite due to her choice of tea bowl, intended to insult Mrs Ota and her relationship with Mr. Minata.
  • An extended metaphor of poison is used to describe Chikako’s influence on Kikuji, associating her with death and decay.
  • Finally, she, whether knowingly or unknowingly, risks Kikuji’s chances with the ‘girl of a thousand cranes’ by loudly projecting her intimate conversation with Kikuji for all to hear, and possibly embarrass him. The fact that the girl is associated with a thousand cranes connotes hope, purity, and idealism, and could suggest that Chikako was willing to sacrifice Kikuji’s chance at these.
Published inThousand Cranes

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