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Persepolis – The Contradictions of Marjane’s Early Life

  • Her parents educate her with the works of Marx,  a man who believed in a classless society, but they also have an expensive car and a maid who isn’t allowed to eat with them.
  • Her mother is clearly spiteful towards the former government, taking part in countless protests against them, but preaches forgiveness to Marjane.
  • Her parents try to control her actions, such as not allowing her to go out and demonstrate, but themselves are champions of rebellion. In their contradiction they are like an authoritarian state trying to quell their daughters revolutionary spirit.
  • Marjane’s family feed her messages of love and support while the Shah and his secret police commit atrocities around her, like the Rex Cinema fire.
  • Contradictions are even found in how the author depicts philosophers Descartes and Marx, with Descartes displaying pain after Marx throws a rock at him that he theorises is in his imagination. This shows how people, and governments, follow and preach doctrines and beliefs that they themselves do not follow.
Published inPersepolis

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