A Front Cover Analysed.


I was tasked to analyse a professional music magazine cover. I chose to do ‘Billboard’ magazine as it was aimed at people similar to me so I thought it would be good fun to write about. Another element of the task was to match the Demographics and the Psycho graphics to the magazine I chose. Also Researched a bit about ‘Billboard’ and did a detailed textual analysis.

What Have I Learnt?

I learnt that colours are one of the most important elements of of a music magazine as the colours is what will grasp your initial attraction and if it’s not aesthetically pleasing then we will not even bother finding out what it is about. The other elements of Textual Analysis are also important as they all complement  each other.

 If the font is unreadable then we will not want to purchase the magazine and if the language on the cover is poor or inappropriate it again could moves us away from wanting to buy it.


I will use what I have learnt in my own work by using my new knowledge of the elements of a music magazine, mainly the colouring pallets, to produce a high quality and appealing poster. I will also be able to aim my magazine at a particular audience by using Demographics and Psycho graphics.


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