Category Archives: Music Magazine

Previous Students Work

I was tasked to analyse a previous students work in detail so that I can understand the reasons behind different elements of Mise-En-Scene and why they are useful in a front cover of a music magazine. The pages I have been asked to analyse were:

  • Front cover
  • Contents page
  • Double page spread

Front Cover:

The use of camera and Photoshop in this cover is very good.

  • There are three models each in one of the thirds on the cover, this is good framing.  This makes the image aesthetically pleasing especially due to the fact that the tallest model is in the middle of the three.
  • The shot used is a Mid-shot this captures the body language and facial expressions of the models but also allows us to see the costumes they are wearing. Photoshop is used to manipulate the shadowing behind the image, this helps to highlight the three to attract the consumers attention.

The Mise-En-Scene used

  •  works well together for example the costumes work well with the colour of the writing and background. Mise-En-Scene in this front cover connotes that they are cool and charismatic characters.

The choice of words used are chosen well, they make sense but yet have the sense oh hip young people, this is so that the consumers/target audience can relate to the band which may want to make the consumers attend a concert or tour.

They have used Desk Top Publishing (DTP) very well as the images look tidy and the text/ colours and typefaces all seem to work together and look cool as well as being legible.

Contents Page:

The image used a Medium Close-up, this is used to mainly capture the facial features of the model.  The image is in the center of the page, this is so that we can look at the image first to become interested then we will want to know more so we will then want to find out more and read. The lighting is really good, it is used to highlight the models face, this could be because this specific model has some significance to the magazine.

The background is dark and the text and image is bright, this tells us that the text and image are the most important things on the page so we should be attracted there.

The choice of words on this page is informative, this is due to the fact it is an contents page so it needs to be simple and straight to the point so you can find your way around the magazine.

  • The image blends in well with the background, also the text on the right fits in well because it is:
  • Tidy
  • Good size
  • Good typeface

This is good use of Desk Top Publishing 🙂

Double-Page Spread:

  • The image is a Close-Up this is to focus on the models face, this is to show the sort of mood you should feel about this magazine. The image is in the middle of the left hand side of the double page, the reason for this is so that:
  • leaves lots of space for text
  •  looks pleasing to the eye
  • looks tidy

this is good framing.

The Mise-En-Scene used is fairly dull as in there are not many colours that stand out other than the pink, this will make you attention immediately go to the pink sections would could not necessarily be a good thing as it might not be the important parts that the audience should be looking at.

The wording again is informative but still young and hip so the audience can relate to the language used.

The image looks very nice and all of the text looks neat and tidy, it fits the page well.


In conclusion I have learnt that Mise-En-Scene is very important when thinking about you target audience and your magazine, I will use what I have learnt in my work by making sure my Mise-En-Scene is relevant to my genre.




A Front Cover Analysed.


I was tasked to analyse a professional music magazine cover. I chose to do ‘Billboard’ magazine as it was aimed at people similar to me so I thought it would be good fun to write about. Another element of the task was to match the Demographics and the Psycho graphics to the magazine I chose. Also Researched a bit about ‘Billboard’ and did a detailed textual analysis.

What Have I Learnt?

I learnt that colours are one of the most important elements of of a music magazine as the colours is what will grasp your initial attraction and if it’s not aesthetically pleasing then we will not even bother finding out what it is about. The other elements of Textual Analysis are also important as they all complement  each other.

 If the font is unreadable then we will not want to purchase the magazine and if the language on the cover is poor or inappropriate it again could moves us away from wanting to buy it.


I will use what I have learnt in my own work by using my new knowledge of the elements of a music magazine, mainly the colouring pallets, to produce a high quality and appealing poster. I will also be able to aim my magazine at a particular audience by using Demographics and Psycho graphics.


Audience Profiling


I was tasked to research the general audience of the ‘Q Magazine’ and then write about the demographics and psychographics to see if they matched the stereotype.

What Have I Learnt?

I have learnt that the audience can enter more than one category of psycho graphics and demographics. It is important for the company to chose a target audience and make sure they are producing products that fits certain people to ensure repeat purchase.


So therefore I will have an more open mind for next time when I’m trying to figure which category/categories they belong in. Also I will research my target audience before creating products to sell.

The Design Features of a Magazine

  • I was tasked to annotate the typical conventions of a music magazine front cover, some of the elements included were:
  • Image
  • Captions
  • Masthead

I learnt that even minor conventions such as cover lines are important to the cover as they give the consumers something to read or even just look at so that they get the impression that its going to be interesting inside of the front page.

I will use what I have learnt in future research or work as I can now understand why each feature does have some importance to the cover.