Category Archives: Component 1

Second Contact Sheet(S)

What Was I Tasked With?

I was tasked to go around town and do a photoshoot for my Music magazine, it had to fit my genre which is Rap. I decided to go up little ally ways as it is conventional for my genre to be shot in areas like this.

What Have I Learnt From This?

I have learnt that making sure the camera saves a lot of time as you get the best quality without having to spend ages playing about with the camera. I have also learnt that images look better with nice textures and backgrounds. Shots in darker areas do not work as well as I think the flash can make the image look dodgy. The images in lighter areas worked very well as it created texture and meaning, also I prefer individual images of my models other than when they are together.

How Will I Use This In The Future?

In future I will make sure the camera is on auto from th start to be productive with my time. Also I will look for different backgrounds and textures for good Mise-En-Scene and so that my image create a story. I will also use my individual images of my models in the lighter segments.

Risk Assessment


I created a risk assessment for our photoshoot in town next week, I had to think carefully about a number of risks and think of ways to prevent these.

I have realised that there are lots of dangers while out in town that I maybe would not of thought about if were not to plane it all out properly.

In future I will make sure I do a risk assessment to ensure my safety., meaning I can be wary and safe while still getting my images.

Production Meeting Agenda For 2nd Photo Sheet

What Was I Tasked With?

I was tasked to create a meeting agenda for my photoshoot next week. This is so that I can be prepared and organised so that nothing can go wrong between me and my models.

What Have I Learnt?

I have learnt that being organised and prepared helps a lot as you know what you are doing so it makes everything  more simple and less stressful.

How Will This Help Me In Future?

This will help me out in future as i know how to lay out and plan so I can be organised. This can help not just in photoshoots but anything where I will need to be organised.

A New Improved Front Page

What Was I Tasked With?

I was tasked to make improvements via my feedback from my first draft, some of the improvements made included:

  • Masthead
  • Other fonts
  • Colours
  • Font size

What Have I Learnt?

I have learnt that making text big and bold makes it more legible and generally makes it look more appealing to an audience. I have also learnt that making my fonts all the same instead of loads of random ones mashed together it makes my poster look cleaner and more professional.

How Will I Use This In Future?

I will use what I have learnt in future by making sure I have selected the best fonts and have made sure they are legible and professional as well as being conventional to my genre.

Draft 1- The Front Page

This is my draft of my Front Cover, this includes an image from my photoshoot and a masthead which I created. I used InDesign to create this front cover.

Peer Feedback: Amie Foulds, I made sure Amie researched the Rap genre of music magazine so that she knew all of the conventions. She looked at magazines containing modern and old-school popular rappers so that she could see the variety of Rap conventions.

What Genre Of Music Is The Magazine Featuring? 

” I think that the genre of this magazine front cover is Rap. I know this as it is a conventional Rap front cover.”

Describe The Front Cover Star- Their Star Image?

” The star looks powerful and confident, however seems to have a calm persona. But I feel that he could be made to look more aggressive and arrogant using other props.”

Are There Areas Where The Integration And Copy Is Distracting?

” You could stick to one font as it can be distracting, also you could make your main coverline more visible by enlarging the text and changing the font colour.”

What Aspects Do You Consider Conventional And Unconventional?

“The costume and accessories used portray accurately your chosen genre. You could put a boarder around the edges as that is conventional for a music magazine front cover. Also you could add more plugs and make them exciting.”


I think that the feedback I received was positive, yet there is room for lots of improvements to better my front cover for next time. The things I will focus on improving will be:

  • More Exciting Masthead
  • More plugs, that look exciting.
  • Make the fonts all the same so that they are legible and look nice.
  • Make the main cover line more visible as its an important part of the front cover.



First Contact Sheet(s)

What was I tasked with?

I was tasked to do a photoshoot for my Music Magazine front cover. I decided to go for the Rap genre and wanted to chose my model and costume, along with this I made the decision to take the pictures in the ‘White Room’ I had to think about things like:

  • Lighting
  • Camera angles/ Distances
  • Costume
  • Facial Expressions/Body Language

What Have I Learnt?

I have learnt that I must make sure that all of the lighting equipment is set-up correctly so that my images look good, as you can see the background in some of the images is a yellow colour which looks unprofessional compared to the nice white background.

How Will I Use This In The Future?

I will use this new knowledge in future as I will now make sure the lighting is set-up correctly before I start taking pictures so I do not waste time taking photos when it’s not all properly set. Also I will now ensure the camera is on the correct settings to get the best quality images.


In conclusion, I feel I have some very good photographs but due to the lighting equipment not set-up I did waste a lot of time getting photos which weren’t good enough quality for my cover image. The images that did work out I think are very nice images and I am very happy with how they have come out.


Early Mock Ups

What Was I Tasked With?

I was tasked to create a mock up of my layout for my future magazine which needs to look like a conventional page of a music magazine. I had to do a layout of:

  • Contents Page- this includes lots of information about my magazine and some small images.
  • Front Cover- eye catching with lots of plugs, and a massive image of my main star.
  • Double Page Spread- pretty boring but important page holding articles and quotes, can also have a large image.

Using Post-It notes on A4 and A3 paper.

What Have I Learnt?

I have learnt that it is easy to make the mistake of getting the spacing  wrong and making your pages look very empty and boring, to overcome this I just re-positioned different parts of the layout.


How Will This Help Me In The Future?

This will help me in the future as I now know how to layout a magazine so it looks professional and exciting. I also now know all of the conventions that needs to go on each page and how to fit them in nicely.



So… I Am Ready To Photograph My Star

We have been looking at different aspects of a photo shoot during class time, we have looked at these things so that we feel comfortable in taking pictures and knowing how to use the camera and how to dress our star for certain representations. Things that will help me in my photo shoot are:

  • Richard Dyers star theory, this theory is all about star image and how photos can change the public representations of them. Therefore I now know how to dress my star and how to photograph specific facial expressions and body language to get the representation I want across to the audience.
  • We have been taught how to manipulate the camera to give each image a different story and connotation, this will be helpful when taking photograph to capture my genre.
  • Using the ‘Flash Light Kit’ this will help to work with my camera to create different meanings via lighting.

In conclusion I feel that everything we have been learning in class will significantly help me when taking my photographs of my star. The images will be good quality and represent my star how I want them to be represented.

Mast Head Designs

1st- The font used is ‘Playbill’ I changed the spaces in between each letter, I made them closer together. This font is okay but not the best.

2nd- The font here is ‘Castellar’ again I changed the width slightly and also changed the height, the reason of changing the height is that I feel like it looks similar to a group of skyscrapers which represents the high life of rappers.

3rd- This is my favorite Mast head. The font used is ‘Rosewood Std’ I like this font as it looks like a chain so it gives my Masthead a meaning other than just being a image.

4th- This image is boring and I don’t think it is very good for my genre. I changed the boldness of this font. The font used is ‘Papyrus’

5th- This font is ‘standard 07_57’ I think that this font is awful and is definitely not appropriate for my genre, the font looks like it has been created for a younger, less mature audience.

The font I have decided to use is the third one, ‘ Rosewood Std’ as I feel it creates the most meaning of the 5 and it suits my genre, Rap, very well. 

What Was I Tasked With?

I was tasked to edit and create 5 different Mast Heads for my music magazine ‘Chain’ while creating my designs I had to think about:

  • Legibility
  • Colour
  • Typical Conventions
  • Size

What Have I Learnt?

I found out that the different Mast Heads create different meanings and connotations, for example the last one creates a feeling that it is directed to a younger audience that are into gaming and things alike.

How Will This Help Me in Future?

I will use this in my future work as I will be more cautious on thinking  about what I want to communicate and what audience I want to attract when picking my Mast Head and colour of my title.



Production Meeting Agenda For 1st Photo Shoot

What was I Tasked With?

I was tasked do a detailed plan on my photo shoot, this included the equipment and costume needed along with who is responsible for each individual item.

What Have I learnt?

Although it is not very fun planning everything out it really does help make things easier and less stressful due to being organised and knowing exactly what I’m doing ad who’s responsible for what.

How Will This Help Me In Future?

This will help me in the future as I know how to plan in a organised fashion, therefore I will know how to plan for future photo shoots.