CCR2: How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Our magazine is called Musaza and it’s a sophisticated pop music magazine.


Our mission statement is…  “Muzaza. The sophisticated pop magazine that gives YOU an exclusive insight into the lives of all your favorite artists. Here at Musaza we aim to empower our readers and inspire them to achieve their true potential, as well as providing some much needed entertainment and relaxation  because we know just how stressful life can be sometimes.” Our brand is unique as unlike most pop magazines, we use a more elevated layout and cover more mature content.


During our target audience research on the demographics and psychographics of them we discovered that the majority of our audience were of the millennial generation and that the majority of them were women so it was essential that we ensured that this particular group of readers would be catered for with the content in our magazine hence the large proportion of the content that would be stereotypically enjoyed by women in the magazine, such as the pages on winter fashion and on unheard gossip.


The free posters inside each issue of the magazine would encourage the audience of pop music fans to make the purchase due to them being able to display them and use them to reinforce their personal identity, one of the four aspects of a concept theorized by Blumler and Katz explaining that every media piece should contain entertainment, opportunity to reinforce personal identity and provoke social interaction, and information. This would also cover the “D” of AIDA which stands for desire as it would make the audience want to purchase the magazine.

In addition to this, they would buy this magazine as often information on the history of pop music isn’t easily accessible t0 them and it’s included in this magazine. As well as expanding their knowledge on the music genre, this might also strengthen their personal identity in the area as it’d make them feel like more of a true fan.

Information can also be consumed in this magazine through the article on the importance of acoustics in the pop music industry. The information given in this magazine covers the “I” in AIDA, which stands for interest, as the sort of information provided would interest the audience, as well as being one aspect of Blumler and Katz’s theory.

 The magazine also includes details on Belle Louise (a newly discovered pop artist) and her upcoming album, inspiring my audience to purchase as it could provoke social interaction with fellow pop fans in the form of a conversation. The incorporation of secrets on Ariana Grande would also work similarly to persuade the audience to purchase the magazine. 

Furthermore, the chance to win VIP tickets to Maisy Le Cras’ next tour would be exciting to this target audience as it would give them the opportunity to engage in social interaction with one of the biggest pop stars. It would be an amazing experience for a true pop fan and despite their low chance of actually winning the prize, many of them would be willing to purchase the magazine just to be in with a shot.

Moreover, pop music fans tend to be interested in what pop stars have been up to recently and the article on pop news would therefore greatly entertain them.

As well as this, information on how to cope with society’s harsh judgements and high expectations can be located in the double page spread titled “5Qs with Belle Louise,” where Belle discusses the importance of being yourself no matter what. Hearing a pop music idol giving guidance on these trending issues would be very influential to the audience. 



Out of all the big magazine groups I would hope to work with Conde Nast as Conde Nast works with sophisticated and top notch magazines such as Vogue.

Our magazine fits in well on their slate and will complement their other magazines including Vanity Fair, Glamor and The World of Interiors as it’s elegant and refined like the rest of their magazines but it would also work well alongside their current magazines due to it’s slightly different nature, as they don’t have a music magazine in their collection yet.


One sort of advertiser we would hope to attract is a carbonated drink advertiser as one particularly common trend we’ve noticed in pop music fans from our research on YouGov is that many of them are interested in these kinds of brands. For example, 63.4% of Justin Bieber fans in the UK are interested in the brand “Coca Cola,” which is a massive 27.6% higher than in the national population. Other advertisers of this genre that we would be interested in incorporating into our magazine are Sprite, Fanta and 7Up as these are all large companies who would pay a great deal of money to have their products advertised in a magazine. Furthermore, a younger demographic would have a higher interest in carbonated drinks than another demographic, making the drink companies more likely to advertise in our magazine.

Another kind of advert that we would like to include in the magazine is one that advertises headphones as the people who are interested enough in pop music to purchase a magazine specifically about it will be interested in products they can utilise to listen to it.


Similarly to how vogue distributes their magazines, we would like to make our content available both online and offline, the reason for this being that some people prefer the convenience and cheaper costs that go with a digital magazine whilst others like to have the magazine’s they’ve purchased as something physical which they can display and flick through. The elevated level of the Muzaza magazine means that the audience are more likely to want something physical to display in their home, perhaps to visitors. Our print magazines will come with the free posters which will encourage the audience to spend that higher amount of money on them while our digital magazine will include some video content to further entertain that proportion of the audience. 

At Muzaza we will also utilise the digital content that we distribute as a form of free advertising for the print magazine and offer them a discount for the next print magazine they purchase after they have already purchased a digital one.

In addition to this, we will offer the opportunity for subscriptions for both our print and digital magazines which will allow our customers to continue to support our magazines without having to go through the inconvenience of continually repurchasing them. This will be a really useful technique for guiding more of our audience to purchase the more expensive print magazines as they can be posted to their houses and the effort of going to the store to buy a print magazine is one of the main reasons that many people tend not to. We will offer a slight discount to those who decide to go down the path of setting up a subscription, either for our print or digital magazines, as it will let those readers know that we appreciate their loyalty, encouraging them to stick with Musaza as their go-to magazine.

We will use social media as a way to advertise our magazines and particularly focus on setting up an instagram as this is an easy way to engage an audience through interesting posts. In our instagram biography there will be a link to our website where potential customers will be able to either set up a subscription or purchase an individual digital magazine.

Chosen Adverts

I have chosen two music adverts that are related to pop music as those are the sort of things that my fans would be interested in. The first advert I have chosen has an element of humour to it which will entertain my audience. In addition to this, the products being advertised (earphones) are music related, and “pop music” itself is mentioned. This would please my audience as they would feel like the magazine has made an effort to have it’s adverts catered to them. The company “audio-technica” would pay a large sum of  money to have this advert in this magazine becuase they would be aware that the audience are people who enjoy pop music and would therefore be interested in their product. The second product is advertised using a well-known pop star. The brand “Coca-Cola” would be willing to pay a large amount of money to put this advertisement in my magazine because the model in it’s advert (Taylor Swift) is an artist in the pop genre and due to the fact my magazine is a pop music magazine, the readers are likely to be influenced by her. In addition to this, going off of the psychographics, pop music fans are interested in fizzy drinks so coca cola would appeal to them, and the chance to win a Taylor Swift concert experience would be very appealing and exciting to them.

Complete Magazine Draft 3

What’s new:

  • I’ve reduced the transparency of my pug in order to give my front cover a less tacky appearance
  • I’ve increased my image size in order to help the bottom of it blend in better
  • I’ve replaced one of my cover lines with one that mentions the names of two famous pop stars so make it clearer to the audience that it’s a pop magazine
  • I’ve moved two cover lines over to the right side of my cover store to create a more balanced appearance and not have too much text on the left side

What’s new:

  • I’ve removed the images that weren’t taken by me and replaced them with images that were, one of which has musical instruments in order to further covey the fact that this is a music magazine
  • I’ve changed the colour of the text at the bottom of the page to be grey, in order for it to stand out against the headlines and other text on the page


What’s new:

  • I’ve added a circle with text that advertises the music of my double page spread star
  • I’ve spread out my text more so that it isn’t overwhelming for the audience

Front Cover Feedback:

  • Make the masthead a bit bigger
  • Use the “&” sign instead of the word and in the main cover line and in one of my other cover lines
  • Tilt the pug a little bit and give it a little bit of colour and place it slightly off of the main cover star’s knee
  • Make sure all the line spacing is even and aligned
  • Bring the price and the barcode down a bit

Contents Page Feedback:

  • Put a quote in the image of Maisy to fill the space
  • Use an image with the model’s head for the “xmas fashion trends” cover line
  • Make some of the cover lines different so that they stand out (e.g. use a slightly different font for Belle and make it slightly bigger
  • Make some of the words bigger (e.g. “big” “Adele” and “Ariana”)
  • Add another black line somewhere so that the first one isn’t mistaken for an error
  • Change the font of “CONTENTS” to something more exciting and less conventional

Double Page Spread Feedback:

  • Move my quote so that it’s coming down the image
  • Take off the drop capital for the standfirst and make it bold so it stands out against the other text
  • Move my byline somewhere else.
  • Move all the article down and increase the size of “Belle Louise” so that draws the audience in and stands out
  • Break up the longest paragraph into several smaller paragraphs in order to make it less overwhelming to read
  • Do the questions in a slightly different font to make the article clearer for the audience to read and put them in upper case
  • Make my model slightly bigger
  • Tilt the circle a bit

Contents Page Second Draft

What’s new:

  • I’ve removed all the filler images and added two new images I’ve taken.
  • I’ve added a lot more conventional pop lexis throughout the contents page.
  • I’ve changed the positioning of the grey rectangles to make them look more uniform.

What’s next:

  • I still need to add more graphics into my contents page.
  • I need to replace the two images I haven’t taken with images that I have, and use music related images to convey the fact that this is a music magazine.

Second Draft of Front Cover

What’s new:

  • I’ve added a quote from the cover star to add a personal touch and draw the reader’s attention.
  • I’ve added the magazine’s price at the bottom.
  • I’ve added an issue number for the magazine.
  • I’ve cut out my cover star better so that there are no longer visible white edges around her.

What’s next:

  • I need to incorporate more vocabulary which is conventional to the pop genre.
  • I need to add some names of pre-existing pop stars to my cover.

Second Draft of DPS

What’s new:

  • I’ve changed the font of the magazine brand name (“Muzaza”) to match the font of the front cover, in addition to turning it red. This helps it to stand out more.
  • I’ve added a page number (page 34) to the first page of the double page spread.
  • I’ve deleted the words “this interview” from my standfirst to make it less wordy.
  • I’ve added the words “continued of page 36” in bold at the bottom of page 35 to guide the reader to where they can read the rest of the article.

What’s next:

  • I need to move the title upwards in order to be able to space out my paragraphs more.
  • I need to add something that advertises my music star’s media.