November 15

Star Image – theirs and mine

Below is a presentation on a music artist which I chose which I thought best fits my chosen genre which is pop. I chose the artist Ariana Grande as in my opinion she suits and best fits the ideal person to attract my target audience and because she is one of my favorite artists of all time.

Please click this to view the prezi!

Richard Dyer

Richard dyer is a media theorist who looks at the paradox of the artist which are:

  • Extraordinary – the talent the artist has 
  • Ordinary –  how us as an audience would be able to relate to the artist as a ‘normal’ person

We also looked at his metanarratives which are of the following:

  • Music
  • Performance 
  • Concerts 
  • Social media
  • Articles 

I have created a moodboard below to indicate what style and image I want my star for my music magazine to look like. I will have one female model as pop is mainly directed towards female teenagers and over. I am choosing a bright (preferably pink/purple) outfit for my model as this fits well with a pop themed magazine. In addition I am adding jewelry and makeup to my model as this gives more of a vibrant and poppy image to attract the audience.  

Posted 15th November 2019 by davegaspar in category Music Magazine

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