My Media Diet

Component 1, Creative Critical Reflection 1

Everyone has a different media diet, whether it be a diet containing a small range of media aspects or a large one. As you can see, I have a fairly wide range of different media aspects that I use onĀ  daily basis. This media diet collage was made to not only show how I interpret media into my everyday life, but it was also made to teach me that their are different genres of media, from listening to music to even online shopping.

This collage is a reflection of what I have learnt so far and what is required for an entertaining and informative magazine to maximise my audience. For example, I use Instagram to not only socialise with my friends and entertain myself, but it is also part of my personal identity. I have learnt that we cannot live without media as it is embedded into our everyday life without us realising.

Taking this into consideration with my music magazine, i will need to make a music magazine that will attract a large audience, hooking them into my magazine. In order to do this, my magazine will need to require;

  • Information that is exciting/interesting to talk about with others
  • Have an eye-catching front cover that will sell my magazine

As this is my first task on this blog, it has taught me about the different genres of media, giving me a wider mindset when it comes to learning more about media in future tasks and improving my understanding of the media ecology, helping me focus forward when it comes to my next tasks.


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