The Camera Talks

Preliminary Print Tasks




Using a variety of angles, distance, facial expressions, body language, framing and MES proxemics all help convey a narrative and give each image a purpose and an idea.

In the nine images above, I’ve added denotations and connotations to each photo, demonstrating I understand the different type of camera shots and what the effect of each camera shot has on an image. For example, on the top right image, I’ve used the connotation ‘long shot’ and the denotation ‘overthinking’, portraying that I understand how different camera shots, body language and MES proxemics not only represent an image with a story, but it creates a poweful partnership between the two.

Reflecting on this task,I will take into consideration how the different angles,shots, the use of MES and body language help give an image a story, clearly portraying to my audience the idea behind my pictures on my music magazine.

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