A Front Cover Analysed- Attracting ‘That Audience’

Music Magazine

Magazines tend to have a specific genre that appeals to a specific target audience. The magazine must consistently use the same various techniques and structures that dictate the genre that it belongs to.

For example, we were tasked to annotate a magazine front cover and discern the demographics and technical design conventions that were used in Billboard magazine. The billboard I analysed was aimed at the younger, more accepting generation, hence the use of bright colours.  Furthermore, the use of bright colours is a symbol of the LGBTQ+ community, showing acceptance and unity. As a producer, being able to recognise what attracts your intended audience is key, demonstrating that you understand the impact different conventions have on media. The producer took into consideration that the intended audience are tribe wired ( free spirited, creative young singles), focusing on the psychographics and demographics that they value most, attracting them to the magazine more as they’re interested in the content inside.

Focusing forward, I will take into consideration how font,colour, images, psychographics and demographics all impact the message that your magazine gives off, ensuring that I achieve the right intentions with my magazine, attracting the right audience.




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