Contents Page Draft 1

Music Magazine

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Knowing how to interpret elements of mise-en-scene into your contents page is important .Further more, you need to know how to make it visually appealing to your target audience as well as including the important information, such as page numbers. Peer assessing another students work helped me develop my understanding of what needs to be included in an contents page and how I need to ensure that my contents page attracts my target audience. Peer assessment of first contents page draft

What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?  

A mid shot is used in order to display the cover star and chosen costume to the audience helping to convey the magazine’s music genre.

What choice of Mise-en-scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?

The costume seen on the cover star is simple yet effective, helping to portray power which is appropriate for the pop genre. The positioning of the models hands and body language portray a relaxed look as well as using direct mode of address to help the audience feel involved.

 How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre

On the contents page bold sans serif fonts are used helping the headlines to stand out.  A variety of fonts and colours are used to make the page more exciting and intriguing for the audience.

What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively?  

Headlines are used effectively to help show what will be involved in the magazine as well as suitable images. However more could be placed to give extra details as well as page numbers so the audience knows where to find the information.

How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand

The layout of the contents page leaves a good amount of room for information and headlines. Some headlines cover the star model on the page which could be moved in order to see her face properly. 

 How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

The colour palette of the text and images are integrated well together in order to make sure both stand out just as well. A dark background is featured with white and lighter writing making it easy to read.

Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre? 

Photoshop has not been used but instead the page features the original background of the photo. The cover star could be cut out and placed on a plain black background so the page blends in with the image.

 How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?

The language used on the contents page is appropriate for the chosen music genre e.g Hot Gossip and Unmissable helping to create a sense of excitement and anticipation for the audience.


As this is my first draft, there is a lot of room for improvements. Focusing forward, based off the targets from my peer assessment, I will include;

  • Page numbers
  • Use photoshop in my final contents page
  • Arrange my headlines so they don’t cover the star image’s face
  • Add some insets


2nd Draft Of Contents Page

What’s New?

  • I re-arranged my headlines to avoid covering my models face as much as possible
  • I changed the position of my title and added some colour to it to add some excitement
  • I’ve included some pugs of my other models to add some correlation between all of my models
  • I added some page numbers to my headlines

What’s Next?

  • I’m going to re word my headlines so they’re more appealing to my target audience
  • I need to add a page number for my content page
  • I’m going to cut my the image of my model out and/or add some effects to my background so it’s not as boring

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