Language analysis

Music Magazine

To help us understand the importance of an detailed article, I’ve analysed an example article by another musician, helping me understand the type of language used and the AIDA. The article I’ve analysed was “What makes a perfect gentleman? Leave big tips, baby!”, by Wyclef Jean.

The magazine article I analysed was called “What makes a perfect gentleman? Leave big tips, baby!”, by Wyclef Jean. Wyclef Jean’s biography is a detailed description of his life based on 10 top tips for life. 

You can tell it is a biography because it’s written in first person, with the occasional quotes. Jean’s biography includes personal life experiences and tips on how to achieve the best in life. The biography is set out into 10 different sections, each section based on a different life tip. Jean’s biography presents him as a down to earth person, keeping it real and sharing his own life experiences. From the type of punctuation used in the article, it automatically gives you an idea of what type of person Jean is. For example, “it don’t have no colour, it don’t have no creed, no nothing.” The lack of formal punctuation (saying “no” instead of “ it doesn’t have any colour” etc) may be Jean’s way of trying to get on a personal level with his targeted audience more through his writing. 

The aim of Jean’s biography I think is to not only give his target audience tips on how to achieve the best in life, but also to demonstrate that he’s also had bad life experiences, making the biography more personal.

In conclusion, Wyclef Jean’s article represents himself and his music as soulful, portraying him as a down to earth person, wanting to let his target audience relate to him on a personal level.

Focusing forward, I will take into consideration the different components of AIDA into my own article that I’ll be putting on my music magazine, ensuring my target audience are interested in the article.

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