1st Draft Of Double Page Spread

Music Magazine


Here is my 1st draft of my double page spread. Clearly, there is still a lot of room for improvement. My double page spread is mainly focused on the BLM movement part of my music magazine, hence the black and white photo and the plain black background.


Three things I like

  • I like the black and white aspect of it. Although it might seem boring, I can add pugs and change the fonts to add to it.
  • I like how the title relates to the main star photo. It gives an insight into her mind, portraying a persona of her thoughts on BLM.
  • I like the boarder around my article, it makes it look more professional and helps bring the page together.

Three things I need to improve

  • I need to add more pugs, preferably my other two models to bring a correlation between the models
  • I need to change the positioning of the current pug, page number, inset photo and the quote as I think they’re poorly laid-out.
  • I need to add a giveaway/artist feature as well to portray professionalism, bringing my magazine together.
  • Add a page number at the bottom as well

Focusing forward, in my second draft I will add these improvements, showing my progress and making more room for improvements.


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