Draft Feature Article

Music Magazine



Anastacia Inder is the youngest female artist to not only have a record for making number 1 in the top charts, but she also is the Uk’s most famous BLM movement speaker, voicing her opinions on the movement.

I interviewed Inder to get an insight on how she managed to soar through the charts in such little time. Inder expressed to me that she’s always been passionate about music and wanted to pursue it as her main job, and so she did just that.

 “ Music has always been an interest of mine, performing live in front of my fans and appreciating the love they have for me is the main reason I took an interest in music.” 

Inder attended the Grammar Sixth Form Center in Guernsey where at the start of year 13, at the age of 17, she made the choice to drop out of education and put all of her focus onto music. “ My parents were very hesitant at first about my decision, but they saw how passionate about it I was, they saw the hours of dedication I put into making my own music, the amount of sleepless nights I had trying to perfect my songs and furthermore, the amount of sleepless nights they had as I kept them awake singing my heart out. As any loving parents, they grew to support my dreams and slowly became my biggest fans.”  

So how did Inder manage to soar to the top of the charts? Before pursuing music, Anastacia’s first glimpse of fame was when she went viral for the BLM movement.Back in May 2020, Inder made a heartwarming speech in front of Guernsey’s islanders, not short after the death of George Floyd. “It’s about time we start addressing how messed up society is. Innocent black lives and other minority race life’s are being taken plainly by the colour of their skin. Another black man’s life has been tragically stolen by a racist police officer. The man pleaded for his worthy life, repeatedly saying “ I can’t breathe” for the many officers and bystanders to hear, yet the white officer still blocked the man’s airway and watched him take his last breath. The officer knew his white privileges would let him get away with such a crime without any consequences whilst he left a whole community scared by his inhuman acts. It’s disgusting how in 2020, racism is still one of the biggest problems we face today. Racism isn’t getting worse, it is finally being exposed to the media more. George Floyd’s heartless murder is one of many, black protestors are being pepper sprayed, tasered, having tear gass thrown at them and so on as they peacefully protest for basic human rights. We shouldn’t be singling out each race, we should be past it now. It just shows how some white people take their privileges for granted and treat minority races like they’re less of a human and deserve to be treated like animals. Day after day the same incidents \ are happening and it is honestly shocking. No life matters until black lives matter.”  By no surprise, Inder’s speech drew a lot of media attraction, as a result of her touching speech blowing up the internet. To Inder’s surprise, this drew famous artist’s attention as well, such as Lucy Hockey and Freya Le Nory.

Hockey and Le Nory are a successful duo in the music industry, having three number one hits. After seeing Inder’s amazing speech, they reached out to her in hope to help her thrive in the music industry. After reaching out to her, they helped her perfect her songs in hope of her becoming number one in the charts. To Inder’s surprise, not only did she become number one, but she had record deals reaching out to her with the ambition of her working with them, which she did.



Final draft

Life behind Anastacias eyes

Anastacia Inder is the youngest female artist to not only have a record for making number 1 in the top charts, but she also is the UK’s most famous BLM movement speaker, voicing her opinions on the movement.

Upcoming got an insight on how she managed to soar through the charts in such little time. Inder described how she’s always been passionate about music and wanted to pursue it as her main job, and so she did just that.

 “ Music has always been an interest of mine, performing live in front of my fans and appreciating the love they have for me is the main reason I took an interest in music.” 

Inder attended the Grammar Sixth Form Centre in Guernsey where at the start of Year 13, at the age of 17, she made the choice to drop out of education and put all of her focus onto music. “ My parents were very hesitant at first about my decision, but they saw how passionate about it I was, they saw the hours of dedication I put into making my own music, the amount of sleepless nights I had trying to perfect my songs and furthermore, the amount of sleepless nights they had as I kept them awake singing my heart out. As any loving parents, they grew to support my dreams and slowly became my biggest fans.”  

So how did Inder manage to soar to the top of the charts? Before pursuing music, Anastacia’s first glimpse of fame was when she went viral for the BLM movement. Back in May 2020, Inder made a heartwarming speech in front of Guernsey’s islanders, not long after the death of George Floyd. “It’s about time we start addressing how messed up society is. Innocent black lives and other minority race’s lives are being taken plainly by the colour of their skin. Another black man’s life has been tragically stolen by a racist police officer. The man pleaded for his worthy life, repeatedly saying “ I can’t breathe”, for the many officers and bystanders to hear, yet the white officer still blocked the man’s airway and watched him take his last breath. The officer knew his white privileges would let him get away with such a crime without any consequences whilst he left a whole community scared by his inhuman acts. It’s disgusting how in 2020, racism is still one of the biggest problems we face today. Racism isn’t getting worse, it is finally being exposed to the media more. George Floyd’s heartless murder is one of many, black protestors are being pepper sprayed, tasered, having tear gass thrown at them and so on as they peacefully protest for basic human rights. We shouldn’t be singling out each race, we should be past it now. It just shows how some white people take their privileges for granted and treat minority races like they’re less of a human and deserve to be treated like animals. Day after day the same incidents are happening and it is honestly shocking. No life matters until Black Lives Matter.”  By no surprise, Inder’s speech drew a lot of media attraction, as a result of her touching speech blowing up the internet. To Inder’s surprise, this drew famous artist’s attention as well, such as Lucy Hockey and Freya Le Noury.

Hockey and Le Noury are a successful duo in the music industry, having three number one hits. After seeing Inder’s amazing speech, they reached out to her in hope to help her succeed in the music industry. After reaching out to her, they helped her perfect her songs in hope of her becoming number one in the charts. To Inder’s surprise, not only did she become number one, but she had record deals reaching out to her with the ambition of her working with them, which she did.

To this day, Inder is only at the start of her career. The young aspiring singer still has a lot more to give to her fans, improving her music and ensuring that her BLM movement speech goes world wide.

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