Question 2: How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Creative Critical Reflection 1

Upcoming is a cross between pop/RnB, aimed at all millennials who not only have a strong interest in soul music, but share similar views and opinions on the BLM movement and other real time issues. “’UpComing’ is a jam packed magazine filled with all the juicy gossip any teen would want. The latest celebrity gossip, fashion,beauty,famous features and so much more. Not only does it give endless amounts of entertainment, it educates you on real world situations such as the BLM Movement.”

My magazine is an all round positive. It clearly portrays values that other magazines don’t have.  The aim of my magazine is to bring together open minded young adults who can easily come together through their similar interests. I found this information using ‘YouGov’. For example, I found out that a large majority of my target audience enjoy listening to radio stations, specifically Capital FM. With that in mind, I will use radio stations as a way to distribute my magazine.


Upcoming isn’t just a basic magazine, it is a mixture of the music and political world, using their advantages to create a different world in one magazine. I believe that a good magazine should not only engage the reader, but it should provide information that is relevant to what is going on in the world, providing the target audience with information that they’re interested in and that could help them in their everyday life. To back this up, one of my coverlines is ‘Inder radiates her voice to Guernsey’s islanders, starting with a small island, aiming for the WORLD’,  showing a sense of social interaction with her fans and providing entertainment for my target audience. I think my desired target audience would buy Upcoming because it demonstrates that a music magazine doesn’t have to be plainly based around music but it can also include other interests of theirs that are outside of the music industry. Upcoming really highlights personal identity, it reflects my own personal beliefs and my readers beliefs on the BLM Movement, giving the magazine a sense of individuality. Developing on this, the celebrity gossip and exciting exclusive giveaways brings entertainment to the magazine, the facts about George Floyds death makes the magazine informative and overall, AIDA is weaved into all aspects of Upcoming. The push on BLM in my magazine creates desire for the consumers, making my magazine different from others and attracting my desired target audience to it.

If I got the chance, I would love to distribute my magazine with Bauer. This is because not only do they produce magazines, they have different forms of media platforms such as radio stations, giving me the opportunity to gain publicity for my magazine through multiple platforms. For example, some of their titles are Total TV Guide, Heat, Take a Break and so on. Furthermore, Bauer doesn’t seem to have any magazines under the same genre as mine, so it could be a good opportunity for myself and the magazine group.

Referring back to the adverts I included in my magazine, I’d hope to attract an advertiser which is more on the political side, bringing an aspect of real world issues. For example, I included a BLM Movement advert by Vogue in my magazine. I chose this advert because the genre of the advert suited my magazine and it reflected my views on the movement which my target audience would be interested in. I’d need an advertiser who is in the Pop/RnB industry, for example an advert that is advertising a soul music festival. Having appropriate adverts is important as it helps bring together consumers with similar interests through different platforms.


Thinking about distributing Upcoming, I need to ensure that my print content correlates with online content. With that in mind,I need to distribute my print magazine in a way that it will survive in the digital world. Using information from articles that I researched about, I found that print magazines are slowly dying out. Research shows that “A big change is taking place in the market. There’s now too much writing online, and in an era of fake news, where you get your analysis from has never been more important.”-Fraser Nelson. This is one of the many reasons as to why print magazines are dying out of fashion. During the time period between January and June, ‘Look’ suffered a critical 35% drop in print magazine sales.Taking this into consideration, my magazine includes exclusive free tickets to ‘The Sunrise Tour 2022’ that can only be found in the print magazines, giving it different characteristics to online content, enhancing its chance of surviving in the digital world. On top of that, I want to distribute my magazine on as many different platforms as possible, including via online content. By including a link in my magazine to Anastacia Inder’s BLM Movement speech, it balances out print and digital success, needing to explore both platforms to retrieve the clip.



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