Conventional Shots & Narratives For My Genre

Component 3, Music Video

To explore and identify key filming conventions and performance styles for my genre, as a group we took screen shots of different conventional shots,frames and angles from a music video in the same genre as our chosen song to give us an idea of how these conventions help portray the music videos narrative, giving us a clearer idea of what conventions to include in our own music video.

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Narrative Conventions- In my chosen genre, Love,lust and emotion tend to be the most common themes that are represented. These narratives help the artist to convey their star image through acting/performance ensuring their narrative is portrayed well.

Narrative Structure- Most commonly, linear and episodic narrative structures appear in my genre with aspects of performance also.

Performance Styles- My chosen genre music videos often include the performer and actor together in the narrative. Vibrant,fun colours are commonly used as well as interesting,unique locations. During the lip syncing aspects of the music video, the star is commonly seen to be using a direct mode of address when lip syncing, involving the audience within the music video.

By doing this task, I have learnt how cinematography and editing are essential to be able to portray the star image effectively, not only reflecting the music videos genre, but conveying the repertoire of elements for that specific genre, giving the target audience what they expected.

Focusing forward, when it comes to shooting our music video, as a group we will take into consideration what specific conventions will portray our music video and star image effectively and clearly.

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