Video Narrative Photo Board/Shot List

Component 3, Music Video

To help create narrative sense, structure and themes within our music video, collectively we have created a narrative photo board/shot list to give us a guide as to what variety of shot distances we need, what aspects of MES need to be included in each shoot location and where to include cut to close ups.  The whole point of a narrative photo board is to film to edit, we need to ensure we have clips of a wide variety of distance and angled shots so that we have plenty of room to play around with shots, ensuring we get those ‘money shots’ and that every location shoot is of its best quality.

Featured in this shot list are detailed slides with what repetoire of elements will be conveyed in each location shoot (props, costumes, make-up) as well as specific shots and reaction shots.

Focusing forward, when it comes to shooting our video over the summer, we will refer to this narrative photo board so we know what exactly what to include in each location shoot, ensuring our music video is made to our best ability.

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