The Look Book- the package

Component 3, Digipak

To ensure there is a coherent look throughout my digipak and social media page, me and my partner have analysed various posters and album covers that are part of our artists genre, providing our target audience with their preferred reading, ensuring they get what they are expecting, matching their preferred demo and psychographics.

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Developing on this, by doing this task I have gathered a good idea of the blueprint/basic genre conventions that apply to my genre:

  • Bright colours/pastel colours
  • The star image on the front cover is never just a ‘basic’ photo, there’s either an object/ big accessories and/or layering of multiple photos into one.
  • With this particular genre, it is more about the star image rather than the title

Focusing forward, I will be referring to this post when it comes to creating my overall ‘package’ for inspiration, conveying the correct conventions for my genre with a personal twist to it, satisfying my target audience and providing them with their preferred reading.

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