Digipak Draft 1

Component 3, Digipak

Attached below is my partner and I’s front and back cover drafting one of our digipak. The draft produced is clearly not completed to its final potential at all, our first draft was focused more on getting a feel of the digipak, what colour schemes we’re going to use, how our digipak is going to be laid out and what images of our star image are going where.


When producing our first draft, a specific assessment criteria was given in order to ensure our work is produced to the best of our ability.

Success criteria:

  • The use of camera and Photoshop to take and manipulate engaging images
  • The selection of mise-en-scene in the photos and the meaning it communicates
  • The creative use of DTP to integrate images and text and use colour/typefaces

Following the criteria given above, heavy photoshop and the use of colour gradient has been used on our front cover to manipulate the original photo, creating an engaging image for our target audience. The use of mise-en-scene has been applied more in our back cover, with our star image in silk matching baby pink pyjamas. Moreover, we dressed our star image in a red crop top, creating contrast between the two colours (red and pink) and as Barthes would argue, using red and pink to follow the myth that the two colours ‘clash’, following the ideology of our target audience.

Focusing forward, many improvements need to be made to our digipak, such as:

  • Change positioning and size of title
  • Ensure the last success criteria is included when it comes to our final draft
  • Include more details (artist name, barcodes etc.)
  • Developing the star image, adding more effects
  • Try out with different fonts of typeface
  • Include copyright information



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