My Magazine Front Page Swede

Preliminary Print Tasks

InDesign is our top publishing software when it comes to creating our work. We were all given a magazine cover to recreate on InDesign, giving us some experience on using InDesign and understand how the sizing and placing of an image has an impact of the quality of your work.

As you can see, I had to improvise and use a different cover photo as I couldn’t find the original. From using InDesign, I have learnt how to create different aspects of a magazine, for instance I have learnt how to create:

  • A pug
  • Masthead
  • Coverline
  • Main cover star

What I found easy about InDesign;

  • Replicating the different shapes/pugs
  • Getting the layout of the magazine right

What I struggled with;

  • Matching the colours with the original magazine cover
  • Finding the exact fonts and typefaces to match the original magazine cover

Not only is it important to know how to layout a magazine, its also important to know what fonts/type fonts and colours to use so it catches your intended audience’s eye, mirroring the genre that you’ve picked. To get as close to the original magazine cover as possible, I changed the weight and height of the fonts I used, trying to match the original as much as possible and portray the conventions of a music magazine.

From using InDesign, I am more familiar with the technology that goes behind creating magazines. I will take into account the different elements of making a magazine cover, using what I have learnt to make my magazine cover catch the intended audience’s eye.

The original magazine cover


 My recreation of the original magazine

Please click on the image to see the PD

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