Narrative Sequence

Component 3, Preliminary Video Tasks

To help me understand how to film successful videos for my digital technology, I’ve created a storyboard about someone creating a paper aeroplane to ensure that I use a variety of shots (match on action, shot reverse shot, peds etc). A different shot is represented by a different post it note, guaranteeing that I show that I can film a wide variety of camera shots.


What Went Well:

  • We used a wide variety of camera shots, ensuring that the audience don’t become bored
  • When editing our video, we used premier pro to edit our shots, trying to transition them into each other as smoothly as possible
  • We layered music over the video which correlated with the story line of the video, keeping the audience engaged with the video
  • We conveyed the narrative fairly well

What We Could’ve Improved:

  • We could’ve improved the focus of our video as it was mainly out of focus
  • We could’ve ensured that the lighting of our video was better as it wasn’t great
  • We needed to stick to the 180 degrees rule throughout the video as it confuses the audience
  • Some of the shots weren’t steady, we could’ve taken advantage of the tripod more
  • The continuity wasn’t portrayed very clearly

Focusing forward, now that we have produced and edited our own narrative sequence, we know the basic skills for our own music video, helping us achieve a high grade.