Social Media Page Draft 2

Component 3, Social Media Page

Once draft one of our SMP was finished, me and my partner continued to upload content, whether that be stories, Q&A’s, collaborations,  ensuring our active audience are entertained, with the desire to keep coming back to our SMP and help promote our products. Attached below are screenshots of my social media page draft 2, as well as a screen castify of my SMP that my teacher has done.

Link to website-

Continuing from the success criteria in my draft one, my teacher has done a screen castify on my SMP, providing me with constructive criticism, highlighting where me and my partner have excelled and where there is more room for improvement.


  • Cross media convergence has taken place- having an appearance on Heart-FM.
  • Collaboration with different artist
  • My artist’s personal identity has been represented strongly through her beliefs towards climate change, this creates an ideology of band/artist.
  • There is a look/brand face to the social media page, the colour scheme is neutrals, soft pinks and blues.
  • Our star’s image can be seen as ordinary and extraordinary



  • A teaser for my artist’s music video needs to be released to help build that  excitement and tension for the target audience.
  • More calls to action- links to websites need to be released as well as more    interaction with the audience, such as competitions,giveaways etc.
  • Try to include some examples of Guerrilla marketing
  • Try and cover as many different platforms as possible


My partner and I have managed to create a coherent page layout, creating a strong brand and image for our star. Focusing forward, the feedback given by my teacher will be what me and my partner will focus on mostly, implying calls to action more, creating that sense of entertainment and involvement for my target audience.

Social Media Page Draft 1

Component 3, Social Media Page

Having a clear guide as to what needs to be included in your SMP to create a sense of attraction,interest, desire and a call to action is essential in order to be successful. Below is a table with a criteria of different social media features that help encourage a driven audience, helping to promote my star image and demonstrating a clear understanding of how to use a  variety of different media communicators, such as Q&A’s/teasers/collaborations etc.


click on the image to see the pdf attached.

For instance, one of the criteria was ‘issues and charities’ where this has been portrayed strongly within my SMP. The use of a call to action was used when promoting my artists mechanise brand, highlighting the importance of shopping for eco-friendly products, raising awareness for climate change. Within this, cross media convergence was implied, tagging the organisation my artist collabed with, @peopletreeuk.


Focusing forward, I will continue to upload content on my SMP, ensuring the essential features in the table above are included, making sure there is enough content to create a drive of engagement for my intended audience, building a sense of excitement for when my artist drops her music album.

Timeline and marketing ideas

Component 3, Social Media Page


In order to produce a good marketing campaign with launch dates, sneak peaks, teasers and social interactions for the audience, a well thought out marketing timeline is needed in order to create excitement for the intended target audience, mathcing their personal identity building a strong brand face for my artist.

Each post it note has a date designated to when a post is going to be made on my social media page (Instagram), with information as to what is going to be posted, ensuring a variety of marketing strategies are used, for instance synergy. As a result of making a marketing timeline, my partner and I have a clear idea as to what needs to be worked on at what time, ensuring each post is to the best of our ability, including AIDA, our SMP needs to be attractive to our intended target audience, needs to catch our target audiences attention as well as interest.

Social Media Page Terminology

Component 3, Social Media Page

To demonstrate my understanding of the terminology used on social media, I have created a slide show of me analysing an artist in my chosen genre’s social media page (Facebook,Instagram and Twitter), conveying clear knowledge of the terminology and why it is important that they’re used.

From this task, I have learnt that artist and fan engagement is essential for the artist to promote their work, providing their target audience with their preferred reading, using market campaigning to raise awareness of their work.  Focusing forward, when I create my social media page I will use the terminology that applies correctly to my chosen genre/ social media page