Final Digipack

Final Digipack Draft


Here is our final digipack above after we have amended, corrected and included certain aspects to our album cover. After we received peer feedback and a screen castify from our teacher we ensured to represent our star in a positive, influential way. Looking back at our mission statement and our research, we added in the stereotypical conventions that a pop artist would convey. In addition we corrected and manipulated some of our images on photoshop to make our star look the best we could e.g. select and masked our star from the background, refined her hair on both front and back cover; we also made a graphic rose for the inside pages to add charisma. Our inside pages were adjusted to make it darker and have more of a marble effect as well as adding a glow effect on the text for inside pages.

I feel like me and my partner have followed the technical conventions and colour palatte of the pop genre and portrayed our star very powerfully and the feminine way we wanted.

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