Category: Music Magazine

Chosen Adverts

I have chosen these two adverts as they associate with my genre and fit my target audience. My first advert could link to the pop genre as it has the word ‘pop’ this suggests that people get energised with the crisps and this is how pop music would make the audience feel. The Pringles company would be willing to pay a lot of money to have their product advertised as they know the readers will look at it and buy them; in addition this is because many pop lovers will read this magazine and will be popular in the shops. I feel like this advert also relates to what type of food people would eat at the concert etc. This advert is aimed at people of young teens right through to mid 20’s. It also fits my colour scheme of purple/pink along with my other pages. My second advert is bright, colourful and would correlate with the colours that are used at performances with the strobe lights. Apple music displays a lot of pop music to listen to which means my target audience can listen to all the top hits. This is a simple advert but also catches the readers eye. This means that both of these adverts fit the demographics and psychographics that I’m trying to create with my magazine to please the audience.

Complete Magazine Draft 3

Below are the third drafts of all three: Front cover, Contents page, and Double page spread and the changes I have made from my second drafts to make them better.

Front Cover Draft 3

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On my front page I have changed the font of the cover lines to make them stand out more but I think I will have to change the writing to bold to make the text more clear. I changed the gradient line from black to pink to make it more eye catching as well as it being alternate. I also made the key words alternate colours, opposite to the lines. I think I need to change the size of the text next to the masthead so it can be legible.


Contents Page Draft 3

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Making a change from my second draft, I have made the page numbers white from blue to change up the colours slightly to make it not boring for the audience, however I still need to make a few changes e.g. make the cover lines slightly bigger so it’s clearer from a further distance and add two quotes to draw the readers in about the stories inside the magazine.


Double Page Spread Draft 3

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With my double page spread I have made changes of making the text bigger in the coloured boxes. I have also made the colour lighter in the boxes so it’ more subtle. I added a quote on the left hand side along with the models name which has been made white and increased the text size. Another change I have made is the stand first’s font.


Screen Castify

Targets for Front Cover:

To make my front cover better I am going to change the colour of my masthead from black to a brighter colour like white with a thicker colour around the edge to make it more enticing for the reader. I will also add a date and a feature on the right hand side to make the magazine more bold. Another change I will be making is the cover lines bolder, different colours for ‘Knight stars again’ and making some feature words on different colours, as well as a feature word on the cover lines which is placed behind the text.

Targets for Contents Page:

I will be reducing the cover lines to look and sound more catchy; this will then make room for another cover line. I will also change some of the subheadings to different colours and underlined to strike the readers eye. I will also add some quotes up the lines of the background so it doesn’t look bare. I will make them alternate colours to make it not the same as the rest of the contents page.

Targets for DPS:

The changes I will make for my double page spread is to add a colour behind the stand first and masthead. I am going to get rid of the boxes at the bottom and put them on another page to make space for the article and to make it look more aesthetic, this would also highlight the Q&A on another page and bring attention to it more. A by line will also be added to meet the requirements of a magazine. I will also add some stand out features with the drop shadow.

2nd Draft of DPS

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  • I have changed the layout with three images going down the middle with borders
  • The stand first has been made bold to draw the reader in
  • I have made the Q&A bold by adding a blue background and pink border to make the page more interesting
  • I have put the models name on the left hand side next to her
  • I have added a feature on the spotlight (gradient pink edges to add a kick)


  • Change the Q&A box colours to a lighter colour to fit the page better
  • Add a quote on the left hand side to bring attention to the article
  • Change the stand first’s font to change the style up


2nd Draft of Contents Page

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  • I have changed the way the images are displayed going up the page diagonally
  • I have included more cover lines
  • The image at the bottom has changed to a triangle shape to fit with the purple line to look more eye catching
  • A microphone has been added with the page number to look more like a distinct music magazine
  • I have changed the wording slightly for the main cover line to entice the reader more
  • Made the subheadings italic



  • Make the writing bigger on the feature stories
  • Add a couple of quotes to draw the reader in

2nd Draft of Front Page

Please click on the image to see the PDF



  • I added a plus sign above the cover lines to show the audience what’s inside the magazine
  • The font on the cover lines has changed
  • The background colour and design to match the top on the model
  • The blue colour text for key words on cover lines to make it more eye catching
  • The text added sideways next to the masthead


  • To change the font on cover lines to look more aesthetic
  • Change the gradient line for a brighter colour on the last one

1st Draft of The Double Page Spread

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4 things I like about my double page spread:

  • The large image displayed on the left of my model to show the readers who the article is about
  • The drop text on the the Q&A and the start of the article to make it stand out more
  • The image of the model on the right which breaks up the text. It also relates to the article by the props being used
  • The headline of the article which draws the reader in

4 things I need to change or add to my double page spread:

  • Caption inserts
  • Only use drop capitals for the start of the article
  • Make my text bigger
  • Add my page shape to the page number


Second Shoot Contact Sheet

These contacts sheets below show that I have tried different angles and effects to get successful shots. Throughout the photo shoot I ensured I got the key conventions right e.g. lighting, exposure, camera angle, hair, costume and make up.

The 2 photos I have chosen fit well with my article with the colours and props etc. I have chosen these photo’s because I like the effect I have used for the lighting e.g. the spotlight effect on the second one which makes my model look like she is on the show. I think I have chosen a good prop for the first photo because my model is holding a snowflake which relates to her appearing on dancing on ice in my article. I feel like these images present lighting, focus and angle well. With this all working well together it creates a nice and clear image for the double page spread.

Production Meeting Agenda For 2nd Photo Shoot

Links to ‘funky video’ ideas:


In order for my shoot to go successfully, I have collated information, researched and looked at videos and photos so that I’m ready and organised for the shoot. I have been inspired by the videos above to use different ‘at home’ objects e.g. toilet roll and phone torch to create a spotlight which looks effective and will create an eye catching image.

By creating this production meeting agenda, I know what I need to get ready and know when everything is e.g.

  • Times and dates
  • Makeup
  • Costumes
  • Props
  • Equipment
  • Venues

Draft Feature Article

Plan for Article


First draft of Article:


Backing dancer ‘Katie Le Pique’ announces her upcoming arrival on Dancing on Ice. She states that ‘This journey isn’t going to be easy’. Even though the professional, Katie Le Pique has danced from a young age, improving and becoming a backing dancer for the Music pop artist Jess Knights on tours and live performances, she is going to struggle finding her feet as she’s making an appearance on Dancing on Ice. She says “I’ve never really skated apart from a few years back on the ice rink at christmas” …

Before the dancer collabed with Knights, she was part of a dance group who were performing at local events and some occasional bigger competitions. Later on in the year music artist Jess Knights went to watch the group perform and spotted the dancer, she saw she had real potential when she exhibited a solo feature in the dance groups routine…(read more on page 9 to see how Knights asked Le Pique to be part of her tour and ‘music family’).

But now touring, performing on stages all across the UK, Katie Le Pique enjoys her job being a backing dancer for her fellow friend and pop star Jess Knights. These two have been working together for nearly 5 years and they just keep on exceeding the expectations in getting better and better for their fans and devoted audience. By Katie appearing on Dancing on Ice; she won’t only have an eye opening experience with the team and production but it will also advertise that she works with star Jess Knights which will ameliorate their career in music production and promote themselves.
Some questions that the committed and fond audience want to know about both Pop star, Jess Knights and backing dancer, Katie Le Pique.

Jess Knights:
What does it feel like to rise up the charts and even make music videos with your dedicated dancer?
She says “ I feel accomplished and proud for rising the charts because it shows that my fans and audience like my music and the lyrics I’ve chosen to make the songs catchy. By working with my backing dancer I feel like we can make our hits climb even higher so that our fans keep increasing.”
How do you feel after performing your newly top hit with your fans cheering and your backing dancer by your side?
“When I perform my songs on stage with my backing dancer encouraging the audience and the fans cheering, I feel pleased that my songs are fulfilling and becoming top hits throughout the UK.”

Backing dancer:
What is your favourite part of being able to work with a music artist?
“My favourite part of collabing with Jess Knights is creating and choreographing dances that fit her songs to then go on and be dazzled by the spotlights on stage, touring and performing across the UK.
Do you get to see where the artist herself creates all her songs and the workspace/ equipment she uses?
I get to see all the effective equipment she uses to create her songs, from microphones to high end musical instruments and electronics to create effects for music videos etc. The workspace she films her songs in is in soundproofed studio in a modern high rise building.

After the first 4 weeks of performing on the show Dancing on Ice, the performances are starting to get more competitive in getting high scores from the judges and against the other couples; Katie Le Pique tries some new lifts with her partner to try and improve their scores and her abilities in skating. With week five coming up the couple have choreographed a stunning performance but little did Katie know her companion is coming to watch her and Knights will perform her new top hit in the interval of the show. Read on to find out what the dancer thought of the performance and what happened backstage after the performance.
Do you think Katie and her partner will have the determination to win the show? Blink Pop will keep you updated in next weeks article to find out if Katie is still in the competition.

This is a recording of my first draft, I have done this to see if there are any mistakes that may need changing:


This is my final draft for my double page spread article after editing and making some changes:


Backing dancer ‘Katie Le Pique’ announces her upcoming arrival on Dancing on Ice. She states that ‘This journey isn’t going to be easy’. Even though the professional, Katie Le Pique has danced from a young age, improving and becoming a backing dancer for the Music pop artist Jess Knights, on tours and live performances, she is going to struggle finding her feet as she’s making an appearance on Dancing on Ice. She says “I’ve never really skated apart from a few years back on the ice rink at christmas” …

Before the dancer collabed with Knights, she was part of a dance group who were performing at local events and some occasional bigger competitions. Later on in the year music artist Jess Knights went to watch the group perform and spotted the dancer, she saw she had real potential when she exhibited a solo feature in the dance groups routine…(read more on page 9 to see how Knights asked Le Pique to be part of her tour and ‘music family’).

But now touring, performing on stages all across the UK, Katie Le Pique enjoys her job being a backing dancer for her fellow friend and pop star Jess Knights. These two have been working together for nearly 5 years and they just keep on exceeding the expectations in getting better and better for their fans and devoted audience. By Katie appearing on Dancing on Ice; she won’t only have an eye opening experience with the team and production but it will also serve as promotion that she works with star Jess Knights which will ameliorate their career in music production and promote themselves.

Some questions that you, our dedicated readers have sent in to Blink Pop wanting to know about both Pop star, Jess Knights and backing dancer, Katie Le Pique.

Jess Knights:

What does it feel like to rise up the charts and even make music videos with your dedicated dancer?

“I feel accomplished and proud for rising through and up the charts because it shows that my fans and audience like my music and the lyrics I’ve chosen to make the songs catchy. By working with my backing dancer I feel like we can make our hits climb even higher so that our fans keep increasing.”

How do you feel after performing your newly top hit with your fans cheering and your backing dancer by your side?

“When I perform my songs on stage with my backing dancer encouraging the audience and the fans cheering, I feel pleased that my songs are fulfilling and becoming top hits throughout the UK.”

Katie Le Pique

What is your favourite part of being able to work with a music artist?

“My favourite part of collabing with Jess Knights is creating and choreographing dances that fit her songs to then go on and be dazzled by the spotlights on stage, touring and performing across the UK.”

Do you get to see where the artist herself creates all her songs and the workspace/ equipment she uses?

“I get to see all the effective equipment she uses to create her songs, from microphones to high end musical instruments and electronics to create effects for music videos etc. The workspace she films her songs in is in a soundproofed studio in a modern high rise building.”

After the first 4 weeks of performing on the show Dancing on Ice, the performances are starting to get more competitive in getting high scores from the judges and against the other couples; Katie Le Pique will be trying some new lifts with her partner to try and improve their scores and her abilities in skating. With week five coming up the couple have choreographed a stunning performance but little did Katie know her companion is coming to watch her and Knights will perform her new top hit in the interval of the show. In the next edition of Blink Pop we will be finding out what the dancer thought of Knight’s performance and what happened backstage after the performance.

Do you think Katie and her partner will have the determination to win the show? Blink Pop will keep you updated in next week’s article to find out if Katie is still in the competition.


Language Analysis

Language Analysis



















The Article:

I am analyzing the music magazine ‘the beat, the pulse of music right now’ It was made on June 20, 2015, by the author Shirley Halperin and photographed by Zoey Grossman. The model completes the look as ‘Lambert is donning drop-crotch pants and a tight black tank, showing off his arms, which are newly muscled and heavily tattooed’. The bold image on the first page of the double page spread tells us who is staring in the magazine about his concerts etc. It also includes a small intro paragraph which entails and gives us an insight in who the model/ star is and what he is talking about on the second page of the double page spread. The structure of the magazine clearly shows it is an interview as their is direct speech marks which suggests that is what Lambert has said. This attracts the target audience because the author has imported real information in what the star thinks about his career. The double page spread includes: quotes form other famous stars, photographs of the star performing, main image, text box at the bottom with added information, page full of news and quotes from Lambert. The interview has been written in third person by the author with implied quotes but it has no presence of the journalist. The star comes across as quite lonely early on relating to his quotes, but throughout the interview he becomes more confident. This is shown by what he is wearing and the description in the intro. He also becomes more confident by him talking about his sexuality which is related to Sam Smiths outcome. This makes him a positive character and strong as he is able to talk about his feelings to the public target audience. This would intrigue and hook in the reader because they want to hear people’s news and gossip. By talking about his music career it gives a sense of personal identity and social interaction as it can encourage more people to talk about their experiences etc. This is related to the uses and gratification theory by Blumler and Katz, and how they want music artists to entertain and inform the target audience.