Technical Camera Terms

Contact Sheet 1

Contact Sheet 2


In order to use my DSLR camera effectively, I took into consideration the instructions that had been provided by our technician. The three main aspects that we focused on were Shutter Speed, Aperture, and ISO. Shutter Speed is the speed that the shutter closes, which allows in as much light is necessary for the shot. A lower shutter speed is used in darker environments, as it closes more slowly, allowing more light in; a higher shutter speed is used in lighter environments, and it closes more quickly, because less light is needed. The faster the shutter speed, the higher the number will be. Aperture controls the amount of light entering the camera’s lens. If more light is needed it will be a bigger hole, and if less light is needed, a smaller hole; the lower the number, the bigger the aperture. These two aspects work together to control how much light is being allowed in to the shot. ISO is about sensitivity to light, if the number is lower, it will be less sensitive to light, and, therefore, have a finer grain. As I took photos, I feel I improved on my use of these features. For example, I took a some overexposed photos, such as image 0120, and some underexposed photos, such as image 0122. I tried to rectify this in the images following by decreasing the aperture and increasing the shutter speed for the overexposed photos, and increasing the aperture and decreasing the shutter speed for the underexposed photos.

I feel I achieved my goal in using different angles and framing to portray different moods when photographing objects. One of my photos of a lamppost, 0162, is shot from a low angle, which connotes that it is an object of power and superiority, whereas in a different photo of it, 0161, it is shown in a wide angle shot which features more peripheral detail, implying that it is not something notable, but rather just a part of a bigger picture.

This knowledge of camera usage will be helpful for the creation of my music magazine because I will know how to take photos effectively, and in a way that can convey meaning.

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