Audience Profiling

For this task, I used the YouGov website to analyse what type of people would typically read a certain magazine, in this case, Mixmag. Mixmag is a dance music and clubbing magazine which reviews music, festivals, and club nights, as well as covering dance events. In my research for this magazine, I found that the general reader is is there 20s to 30s, making the demographic generally Millenials or Generation Z. It’s about equal in popularity between men and women, and the audience are generally middle class.

Music Magazine – Annotations

It is hugely important to understand your audience and how they think when you create any piece of Media. Identifying a target audience means that the people who are the most likely to consume the Media are more likely to be interested. I feel that the bold features accurately represent the desired target audience, mostly Millenials or Generation Z, as strength and boldness are traits generally associated with that demographic. For example, the cover star, Carl Craig, takes us a large amount of the cover, and his photo even obscures part of the masthead, implying that he stands out from the crowd. Individuality is a trait which is valued amongst Millenials and Generation Z, and therefore suggests that Mixmag have a strong grasp on who their target audience are and what they believe. The colour scheme used further emphasizes this, as the colours are bold, implying confidence and strength.

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