2nd Draft of Front Page

What’s New?

Since uploading my first draft of my front page I have changed…

  • I added a drop shadow to my masthead in order to lift it off the page making it stronger.
  • I have developed the colour scheme by adding gold accents and increasing the vibrancy of the pink colour to match and complement the colours is her necklace.
  • I also dded a few more eye catching cover lines to interest the reader.

What’s Next?

Some final details I intend to add to my front cover include…

  • Making sure all my fonts match and complement each other.
  •  The plugs need moving around and maybe resizing in order to have the right effect.
  • Develop my cover line ‘whats it like being a women in the country music industry’ and make it more snappy and direct.
  • Photoshop the image further for example enhancing the colours making the image more vibrant and eye catching.


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