2nd Draft of Double Page Spread

What’s New?

  • I have switched the place holder text with my real article, making sure there are no spelling and grammatical errors. As well as that I made sure my column widths were consistent and that the content was not too close to the centre fold.
  • I added the pull quote to break up the page so it wasn’t just a big block of writing that doesn’t look very interesting. The reader more likely want to read the whole article after reading the pull quote to find out more.
  • I added another heading to page 6 to give the page some context that the article is about Izzy Millis and that its exiting excessive ‘backstage’ gossip. To the headings I also added a white border to help them stand out from the dark background and lift them off the page.

What’s Next ?

  • The article text needs to be slightly larger in order for it to read easier.
  •  Make the heading on page 6 larger because its at the bottom of the page meaning it is out of the readers eye line and doesn’t stand out as much as it could.

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