Digipak Draft 2

Second Draft of our Digipak…

Below you can view our draft 2 of all four panels and spine of our digipak.

Teacher Feedback…


  • Get rid of the black boarder at the top and bottom of our image on the front panel.
  • Use photoshop to cut out the tv image to give the effect that it is floating as you can see the stall which it is sitting on in the image we have used.
  • Turn the left side of the image on our back panel black and white to create a consistent theme matching with our front panel which shares the same symmetry.
  • Think carefully about the composition of our back panel as there is not a lot of space to fit our track list and other formal conventions such as the barcode and copy right information.
  • Rethink our use of fonts as the current one we have need to be changed or altered as they don’t quite look right, they could benefit from being resized or made taller to give a more elegant effect.

Overall we have quite a lot of improvements to make moving forward we need to make the alterations mentioned by our teacher and also add in some of the conventions it is lacking for example the track list and information on the spines.

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