Production Meeting Agenda (Shoot 1)

Here is our Production Meeting Agenda for shoot 1…


The purpose of a PMA is to make sure the person or group of people in control of the shoot is fully prepared going into the shoot allowing us to use the limited time we have to get the perfect shots for our music video. Also planning out the aspects of mise en sene is cruicial as to how the star image, genre and narrative is going to be represented. The imagery will reflect the ideology’s of the star and can be used to present an idea/message to the viewer.

It also very important that the whole team is on the same page and has the same vision in order to achieve the best outcome.






Chosen Adverts

The adverts included in my magazine

I chose these adverts because…

In order to choose the perfect adverts which will appeal to my target audience I referred back to my audience profile and also did some research on YouGov.

My audience profile described my target audience hobbies to be watching Netflix and drinking alcohol. I paired the Netflix and the wine advert because they go together perfectly. My target audience is classed B on the social class ladder and psychographics are Renaissance women who are active, caring, affluent, influential. Their ideal night would we relaxing on the sofa reading a magazine or watching a movie with a glass of wine. 




2nd Draft of Double Page Spread

What’s New?

  • I have switched the place holder text with my real article, making sure there are no spelling and grammatical errors. As well as that I made sure my column widths were consistent and that the content was not too close to the centre fold.
  • I added the pull quote to break up the page so it wasn’t just a big block of writing that doesn’t look very interesting. The reader more likely want to read the whole article after reading the pull quote to find out more.
  • I added another heading to page 6 to give the page some context that the article is about Izzy Millis and that its exiting excessive ‘backstage’ gossip. To the headings I also added a white border to help them stand out from the dark background and lift them off the page.

What’s Next ?

  • The article text needs to be slightly larger in order for it to read easier.
  •  Make the heading on page 6 larger because its at the bottom of the page meaning it is out of the readers eye line and doesn’t stand out as much as it could.

2nd Draft of Contents Page

Whats New?

Since uploading my first draft of my contents page I have changed…

  • I have moved around the layout in order to fit more content and in order to have the eye lines looking in the right direction.
  • Adding the blue gradient background complements the other colours on the page while also lifting and adding vibrance to the page.
  • Developing the colour scheme by again adding gold accents in order to complement the pug which is once of the main focuses.
  • Adding the drop shadows and the background has helped to make the text and images stand out from the page and have more effect rather than looking dull and flat.

Whats Next?

Some final details I intend to add to my contents page include…

  • I need to play around with the layout in order to fit the page numbers in better and add more content to the page.
  • Replace the placeholder text with my own body text.
  •  Make sure my fonts fit together and in the right font and size.

2nd Draft of Front Page

What’s New?

Since uploading my first draft of my front page I have changed…

  • I added a drop shadow to my masthead in order to lift it off the page making it stronger.
  • I have developed the colour scheme by adding gold accents and increasing the vibrancy of the pink colour to match and complement the colours is her necklace.
  • I also dded a few more eye catching cover lines to interest the reader.

What’s Next?

Some final details I intend to add to my front cover include…

  • Making sure all my fonts match and complement each other.
  •  The plugs need moving around and maybe resizing in order to have the right effect.
  • Develop my cover line ‘whats it like being a women in the country music industry’ and make it more snappy and direct.
  • Photoshop the image further for example enhancing the colours making the image more vibrant and eye catching.


Complete Magazine Draft 3

My full magazine

Feedback from teacher…

What’s New?

Font page-

  • With my front page I have slightly altered my colours to make them more vibrant and to in order to match them better to the colours in the models necklace. Doing this has also made the text pop out from the page better.
  • I have also enlarged the image because I felt it was being drowned out by all the surrounding text, As the main feature of the front page the cover star should stand out the most. Also I felt by doing this it would cover more of the page and fill some of the empty space

Contents page-

  • On my contents page I have shifted everything upwards slightly allowing me to make my image and text larger.
  • Also I have moved around the page numbers in order for them to fit better with the limited space.
  • I added the blue gradient background that compliments the gold and pink text to lift everything off the page rather than sitting on a flat white background.

Double Page Spread-

  • For my double page spread I have enlarged the heading and stand first on page 7 in order to make that text in particular more attractive to the reader as its going to incise them to read more.
  • I also changed the font of my stand first and pull quotes to a bolder font that fits better with the font of my article text.
  • I have also moved my pull quote on page 6 slightly to the left in order to make sure it is not too close to the centre fold where it might potentially be cut off.


Summary of teachers feedback –

  • Make sure all the fonts are consistent and at a good size.
  • Make my stand firsts snappy and direct and relative.
  • Move date and price from too corner and add a barcode.
  • Put images back into photoshop and adjust colours.
  • Replace place holder text.

My Targets-

  • Enough content on contents page.
  • Stand firsts and pull quotes to break up the page.
  • Images and titles are of the correct size (not too big or to small)
  • Replace all place holder text, Add in my article and check for spelling and grammatical errors throughout my magazine.