Draft of double page spread

First draft of Double Page Spread and self assessment-

What I like-

  1. I like the dark images I have used as it contrasts the colour schemes of the previous pages, I also like how it fits with the backstage exclusive feel.

2. The layout fits together nicely allowing enough room for the article to flow down the page and read easily.

3. The pull quote with the text wrapped around gives that quote an extra importance and adds meaning to the article.

What I need to do-

  1. Replace placeholder text with my real article.

2.  Add something to fill space on the left for example her name or a pull quote.

3.  Add page numbers.

4.  Make sure column width is consistent.

5. Make sure fonts are all consistent.

Draft Feature Article

Number one female county artist Izzy Millis talks about how recent split with former boyfriend/co-star and how it has effected her and her music career.

In late august the news of the famous duos sudden split spread like wildfire through the media leaving their many fans shocked and confused as to why, the couple had been potrayed to be so perfect and happy through social media so what could have possibly caused the break up ?

After a few long months of silence from the two Izzy Millis is finally ready to speak up about it and give her fans some awnsers.

“Firstly I would like to apologise for keeping my supporters in the dark for so long although I hope they understand I needed to go under the radar for some time in order to let my self heal and realise somethings. The break up was esspecially difficult as he wasn’t just my partner he was my co-star and so much more. Towards the end of our relationship our music career began to get in-between us, we both felt as though we weren’t moving forward as a couple or as artists.

At the time of the break up it felt like such a massive loss as he has been such a big part of my life and career and for that I am endlessly greatfull as he has taught me so much. I have grown and learned so much about myself  over the past couple months. Going forward as a solo female country artist excites me I feel as though It will allow me to become the best I possibly can. I can see my music career flourishing.


2nd Shoot Contact Sheets

Contact sheet-


Shooting in a location gave me so much more oppitunity to play around and develop my mise en scene and CLAMPS (costume, lighting, Action, Makeup&Hair, props and setting). I felt I was especially able to be more creative with the lighting, location, and action as there was endless opportunities for every picture to come out unique as I was not restricted to a black or white background the more interesting background also made directing the model a lot easier as there was more opportunity to move around and play with the surroundings. I was also able to move around the lighting much easier in order to create contrasting light and dark areas to highlight the key aspects of the image.

Although it also came with some difficulties such has it was difficult to avoid unwanted shadows also the camera and lightings not being on a secure stand made it more likely that the images would come out with poor lighting or not as in focus as they would in the studio.

Production Meeting Agenda For 2nd Photoshoot

PMA for contents page photo shoot.



The purpose of a PMA is to make sure the photographer, or person in control of the shoot is fully prepared going into the shoot by planning out how the main image going to represent mise en scene of the particular genre perfectly through costume, Location, hair/makeup, and props. This is important because the one image will present the ideology’s and can be used to present an idea/message to the viewer.

Creating my own PMA has helped me visualize exactly how I want my image to turn out by thinking about exactly how I want to dress and direct my model in order to capture perfect image to fit nicely with the conventions of my contents page. Doing this also makes sure I use the limited time I have effectively.

Language Analysis

Article by Wyclef Jean…


My Analysis-


Article by Wyclef Jean ’10 Tips for Life’- September 2017

  • Is there evidence of the journalistic technique 5 Ws & an H?

                                                                                      (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How? )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  1. Reading this article it is clear that Wyclef Jean is the writer as the article is very clearly linked to him as he talks about his personal experiences and views.

Structure of article-  How do you know?                                                                                                                                                                                          

(is it an interview, a Q&A, a biography, a review…)                                                                                                                                 The article is a mix between a Q&A and a biography. The heading ’10 tips for life’ tell the reader what the article is about also the numbered subheadings.

  • How is it laid out?-                                                                                                                                                                              Bold numbers paired with stand firsts before every block of text make it clear that there are 10 tips.
  • Are you aware of the presence of the journalist?                                                                                                                     The presence of the journalist is very clear it feels as though he is having a convocation with the reader.
  • How can you tell?- “The number one thing I’ve learned as a musician is”.– He is talking about himself.
  • What is the impact of that?- The strong presence of the journalist makes it feel more like you’re listening to them talk.
  • What person is it written in – 1st or 3rd and what is the impact of this? –“When I first started to play music it saved my life”, telling the reader stories about his life and talking about experiences he has faced in 1st person.
  • Mode of address – are you aware of the journalist’s presence?                                                                                       Yes, it is very clear who the journalist is.
  • Is there a clear introduction and conclusion?                                                                                                                           The introduction and conclusion is not clear because of the kind of article it is.
  • What is your sense of the location / event / person that the journalist is writing about? How is this achieved?                                                                                                                                                                                                 The sense this article gives is that he is talking on a podcast or has been asked a question for advice this sense is given through the way he talks about what he believes is most important and feels as though he is talking to an audience, giving advice.
  • What sorts of words are used and what impression do they create? Look for the rule of 3’s? (adjectives often)

      So the perfect gentleman would leave big tips, baby

      ‘You look back and be like’- informal language.

       “DJ Khaled calls me and he’s like, “Yo, can I sample this song?”- Slang

  • Tone and register of the writing – does it fit the genre and if so, why?

‘You can have someone who is working a nine to five job, they come home, they’re happy as hell.’- The way he writes about his life and the language he uses makes it very clear what kind of artist he is. He talks in a very laid back but influential way.

  • What sort of similes and metaphors are used?

 ‘they’re happy as hell.’

‘When I first started to play music it saved my life’-Music is a massive influence to him, he can not live without it.

  • What quotes are used and why?

      DJ Khaled calls me and he’s like, “Yo, can I sample this song?”– He has popular artists who like his music and want to work        with him, this gives the reader a sense of his success.

     “Stop everything, put one of Mick Jagger’s records on so he can understand how he’s influenced me.”-He talks about other    influential artists who influenced him making him more relatable to the reader. Also gives an insight into what kind of life he has had, casually seeing Mick Jagger.

What will the reader ‘experience’ as a result of reading the article?

      This article tells the reader about what morals and values the writer holds. It gives a strong sense of his personality.

  • How does the journalist represent the star/band/music/concert/festival… through their writing?

Wyclef Jean represents himself as the star while talking about his experiences as hiphop/rap artist.

      The writing has come directly from Wyclef Jean himself meaning the article is completely raw and genuine

What is a Contents Page?

Inspirational contents pages, Hand drawn mock ups and 5 catchy headlines…

Commentary and reflection Technical conventions of a contents page and an overview of the reason behind them.

The contents page in a magazine is usually one of the first three pages in a magazine. The contents page tells the reader exactly what is included in the magazine and on which page numbers. There are also other features added onto the contents page in order to engage the reader for example catchy cover lines/ headlines that purposefully create interest in order to attract the reader to a certain page while also helping them through the magazine.

The technical conventions of a contents page include the main image which the eye is usually drawn to before anything else as its the most interesting aspect of the page, above the main image you usually would find the main headline, the biggest text on the page. Under the main headline you will usually find the subheadings telling the reader what the magazine includes under the categories and where to find them in the magazine using page numbers as a without this feature the reader would struggle to find the page they are particularly interested in amongst the hundred pages of the magazine. Although contents pages are layout in endless different ways depending on the genre and conventions of the magazine in order to specifically attract the magazines target audience.

Masthead Designs

5 I like…





















To find these fonts I looked through the website ‘Dafont’ for typefaces that would fit with the ideology of my magazine and attract my target audience, In particular I was looking for a fairly formal san serif font as I felt this kind of font would be perfect for the masthead of my magazine and fit nicely with my country genre.

The masthead is one of the most important components of a magazine as is is one of the first things an audience will see and tells them a lot about the magazine and reflects the values the magazine holds through just a few words. Therefore it is extremely important to get your masthead in the right font, colour, and size to fit the theme of your magazine perfectly


Front Page Layouts

Magazine front covers which are similar to mine…


In order to recognize what a good country and western magazine looks like I researched magazines like Town&Country, Maverick and Country Music People to gain a better understanding and gain inspiration to put towards my own magazine. I like these magazine covers in particular because the Mise-en-scene is similar to what i imiagine mine to look like