Timeline and Marketing Ideas


SandBox Marketing Research


I chose to look at these sandbox research articles as the artists have a are similar way of promotion on a social media page that we also want to create. They all used social media as a way of promotion and engagement of their fans and also to gain a wider audience. By reading these it has given us some ideas of how we can use our social media page as a way of engaging with our target audience and promotion of our brand. These artists promoted their music in a way that will attract their group/ target audience which supports Gauntlett idea of collective identities. It’s suggested that everyone belongs to a certain group which is widely constructed by the media.


Timeline and Marketing Ideas


This is our timeline to help us plan out our marketing ideas for our social media page. This is very helpful as it gives us a guidance of when we need to post things on our social media page leading up to the release of the album. The different coloured post-it notes indicated if the post needed to be an actual fixed post, a story or a story highlight. When creating this timeline we also had to think about our target audience and what would attract them to the page.

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