Social Media Page Draft 2


Link to Social Media Page


Teacher Screencastify

What Went Well;

  • We have added separate highlights to the page so it is easy for the audience to locate the necessary information for tours or other events happening with the band
  • Different types of merchandise has been added and is easy to access
  • Although it isn’t a necessity, there is a link to a website which adds more professionalism to the page

Targets for Improvement;

  • Link to the youtube channel in the bio hasn’t been linked to anything, therefore cannot open the youtube channel
  • On the website there are many sub pages that haven’t got any information on them, can be deleted as they aren’t important
  • For our collaboration with Timberland we will try and share an image with one of the band members actually wearing items from the brand, e.g. shoes or a jumper, to make it more realistic

Focus Forward

Overall our social media page has all the key conventions that are generic to our genre. We have added a range of images and videos, posted on the feed and the pages’ stories that keep our target audience active and entertained. We have been giving daily updates on our digipak release, therefore once it has been completed we will be able to post the finished front cover onto our feed.

Social Media Page Draft 1


Social Media Page Draft 1

Self Assessment 


This is our first draft of our social media page. We decided to use Instagram as it has a much wider range of audiences who use it and as we are trying to attract a young audience this was the best method for advertisement. Posts include promotion of the new album, insight to some of the bands personal lives and other marketing techniques like merch and interviews.

Timeline and Marketing Ideas


SandBox Marketing Research


I chose to look at these sandbox research articles as the artists have a are similar way of promotion on a social media page that we also want to create. They all used social media as a way of promotion and engagement of their fans and also to gain a wider audience. By reading these it has given us some ideas of how we can use our social media page as a way of engaging with our target audience and promotion of our brand. These artists promoted their music in a way that will attract their group/ target audience which supports Gauntlett idea of collective identities. It’s suggested that everyone belongs to a certain group which is widely constructed by the media.


Timeline and Marketing Ideas


This is our timeline to help us plan out our marketing ideas for our social media page. This is very helpful as it gives us a guidance of when we need to post things on our social media page leading up to the release of the album. The different coloured post-it notes indicated if the post needed to be an actual fixed post, a story or a story highlight. When creating this timeline we also had to think about our target audience and what would attract them to the page.

Audience Interaction with a Social Media Page




This is our group screencastify of a social media page. We needed to look at another band from the same genre, indie folk, so we had a better understanding of what conventions are needed when we come to make our own social media page. We found that most of the actual posts on this social media page are serious and are to do with concerts and music the band is creating/releasing. However there is the odd post where the audience is able to see the band members personalities come out.

Focus Forward

We now have a very good idea of what we need when we make our social media page for our band. We need an element of seriousness to the page but also snippets of the band members personalities to add a more personal feel to the page.

Social Media Page Terminology


Social Media Page Terminology


This slideshow has been an extremely helpful piece of research. It has allowed me to look deeper into the technical conventions of not just a social media page but one that is conventional to our genre, indie folk. Promotion is one of the most common occurrences within the platform. This is because the page is a marketing campaign for the brand and promote their brand wherever they can. This has made me release that when it comes to making our own social media page, promotion needs to be the number one thing that we focus on. From here we can create awareness of our brand and then start to connect with our intended target audience.