Genre Part 1

Terms to Learn

Generic Conventions, Repertoire of Elements

Genre is like a cake…

When you make a cake you follow a recipe, in films the recipe is called the repertoire of elements. Most cakes use the same basic ingredients, same as in a genre film, these same ingredients are called generic conventions. 

‘Genre is similarity and difference’ – Altman

This deceptively simple idea from Altman suggests that when you explore a film in terms of it’s genre you are essentially studying how far it follows the recipe and how far it subverts (mixes in new and unexpected ingredients) audience expectations.


What are the ingredients (conventions) of a particular genre?

  1. In pairs or small groups given a genre (in secret) and you need to create a pictorial representation of that genre. The picture cannot include words, unless they are sound effects, which you might associate with the genre. You should include cartoon images of:
    • characters
    • settings
    • props
    • events in the story
    • the look of the film
  2. Once you’ve finished take a photograph of your poster
  3. In about 20-25 minutes time your poster will be shown to the whole group and they have to look at those conventions on your poster and guess what the genre is.

Reflective Journal (Blog)

  1. Identify the genre you are designing a poster for & embed a YouTube trailer of that genre
  2. Please upload your poster image to your blog
  3. Reflect on the elements of your poster, which refer to the repertoire of elements evident in your film.

Independent Study

Watch one of the documentaries on genre by Mark Kermode:

Answer the questions on this document & submit to Google Classroom

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