Social Media Page Draft Two and Screencastify Feedback

To review and understand our current progress of our social media page, our teacher gave us feedback by creating a screencastify and giving her input on what works well, what we can add and what we can improve. This was really helpful to us as it gave us an insight into what others view and take from our digipak from someone who hasn’t seen or associated with it before.

Targets for improvement:

  • Add more detailed posts, this is so the audience can gauge more on the star’s personal life
  • Add to our profile where to get tickets from for upcoming tour
  • Change the album name alongside some of the merch
  • To add more events in our stories, enticing the audience and keeping theme engaging and intrigued with teasers
  • Photograph and complete MARC JACOBS advert, this shows synergy within our work
  • Add charity posts and some including political views
  • Create a Guerilla Marketing post
  • Complete a Cross Media Convergence post in relation to a BBC or Television appearance

This feedback was really helpful as it ensured we have the right content on our social media page, as well as the correct generic conventions in relation to font, typeface, colour palette, interesting and informative posts with a suffient ratio of personal life and pop star content, also known as her ordinary vs extraordinary life.

Social Media Page Draft One

As part of the process in creating and building up our social media page we completed an assessment sheet on the content and timeline on events we have successfully posted. By completing this assessment my group and I can reflect on what we have included and what needs to be added for our next draft.

As a whole our page consists of the narrative of a real life, female artist with a down to earth, friendly personality. We have been updating our page regularly including a series of teasers, listed events, release of merch and casual images of day to day life occurrences from the artists- this allows our audience to catch an insight into her life as an artists and and individual as well as keeping them engaged and informed on her journey. As well as this, we have created multiple stories containing Q&A’s, relevant updates on personal life, reminders on upcoming dates and inclusive behind the scenes for interaction purposes. From this we take with us the knowledge and statistics on what content was the most successful and allowed us to the correct her message and impression across to the audience.

Screenshot to summarise our page:

please click on image to view our social media page directly


This assessment has highlighted the elements that are included in a single post and relating to artist engagement and the blueprint that fulfils the criteria for a successful profile, brand image, reputation and social media page.

Timeline and Marketing Ideas

Timing is essential when it comes down to a marketing campaign. A well planned, chronological structured marketing campaign includes teasers, published launch dates, sneak peaks, upcoming events, building a climax of excitement and relevant information regarding the star. In order to build a professional platform and target audience for our star we carried out market research within the music industry to get an insight into how pop celebrities use instagram to promote their products and excite their audience on a social media page through a single post.

Below I have inserted our marketing campaign that includes 12 posts and relevant stories. We have decided to use the platform instagram, as the majority of popstars within this genre use it daily because it attracts a wider audience. Within these posts we ensured that we will be using guerilla marketing, synergy, social interaction, cross media convergence and personal identities. The content we will be creating will include these elements through marketing advertisements, tour poster, music video, album teasers, Q&A’s, branded merch and events. this all supports in creating awareness for our star as well as other brands whilst giving the audience a representation of our star image and her personality.

By creating this timeline we were able to think about the content we want to create and how we would incorporate the technical conventions of a social media page. This allows my group and I to understand how media is represented digitally and how successful it is. Each post we create aligns with upcoming teasers and information allowing it to flow coherently keeping our target audience engaging and intrigued.

Audience Interaction with a Social Media Page

Part of creating our social media page conventionally and successfully, my group and I fully decoded Nina Nesbitt’s instagram platform as a source of inspiration. We then became knowledgable on the repertoire of elements that build up a social media page which allows opportunity for social interaction, engagement and personal identity.

We planned and created a script which we read throughout ur screencastify explaining the conventional features of Nina Nesbitt’s page and how she utilises Blumer and Katz Uses and Gratification Theory and how she included AIDA (attraction, interest, desire, audience) within her posts to gauge meaning and understanding. We each read two of our own questions that we answered whilst using the mouse to point to the specific elements of what we were talking about to show we understand and have full taken in what we have researched and learnt.

Social Media Page-Key Terminology

Below I have deconstructed Dua Lipa’s instagram page using key terminology to highlight the elements that make it conventional. I have analysed and recognised the technical conventions used to make a social media platform engaging and interesting. This gives me an insight into how female pop artists present themselves and their music through social media posts by promoting and creating brand awareness to their product.

I chose to analyse Dua Lipa’s instagram page as she is an individual artist within our genre, so this gives me a wider understanding of what how and what to create on our own social media page for our star whilst being aware of the competition within the music industry, and how to eventually build an audience base. I’am now more knowledgeable of the content that is crucial to building a professional and successful social media page, for example artists use this as a source to create brand awareness for upcoming albums, tour dates, promotion on new music, AD campaigns and new to the market products.