Category: Component 3 (page 1 of 4)

Digipak Draft 3


Digipak Draft 2

Digipak Draft 1



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Shoot Evaluation

This shoot was very succesful. We managed to capture a large variety of shots to fully capture the vision we have for our star. We will be able to implement these photgraphs into both our digipak and our social media page.

Social Media Page – Conventions Analysis

To create our social media page it is essential to ensure that we know the typical technical conventions present on an artists profile. To achieve this Izzy and I have created a screencastify analysing a social media page of a well established star.


Executing this task has allowed Izzy and I to fully understand what is typical of a social media page and how it affects the audiences perception of the artist. These conventions allow the audience to create a personal bond with the artist that helps the artist promote themselves.

Digipak Conventions Analysis

To fully understand the process of creating a digipak, I created this slideshow to understand further the conventions present in the indie genre.

This slideshow has shown me the blueprint for how to implement the technical elements of a digipak whilst also keeping conventional to my genre to make sure I portray the correct star image.

Music Video – Draft 4

Below is our 4th draft of our music video

In this draft we were making small refinements and correcting earlier mistakes we made in our video. We also leaned more into a stylised, slightly more abstract look to our video by utilising overlays.

Social Media Page Terminology

Social media is filled with terms that you wouldnt really hear about anywhere else, however these key terms are essential for an artist to gain engagement with their audience and promote their brand to their target audience.

Identifiying and learnin these terms has helped me gain knowledge on how to create an appealing social media page as part of a larger media campaign to promote our product to our target audience.


Digipak – Production Meeting Agenda & Risk Assessment

Production Meeting Agenda

RIsk Assessment

Above is the PMA and Risk Assessment for our Digipak shoot, we have planned costumes and a location that will convey our indie genre.

The Look Book

Made with Padlet

To construct our performers star image and brand, we created a padlet to convey the conventions of our genre, including albums, social media posts, photoshoots and graphics. This has allowed us to decide on our repetoire of elements that we will be inspired by when producing our digipak.

This task has given us a vision of what we should aim to achieve when creating our digipak, to make sure that the design is conventional but unique so the audience does not reject the text.

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