My Audience Profile

Audience, audience, audience


Taking closer steps to creating a magazine I need to understand my audience; who they are, what they want to see, what they don’t. My target audience, as a demographic need to be given the correct information. I need to entertain my audience, educate them inducing social interaction. Now having carried out some oppositional reading and research into specific psychographics  and looking more into consumer behaviour  I have started to really decode the hip hop and rap demographic into subsections like age ranges for example. This has given me the confidence and knowledge I need before making a magazine.

YouGov proved itself helpful when I was researching into the demographic ranges of the rap and hip hop listeners community. This knowledge is useful because I can now tailor my magazine content to the tee of my rap and hip hop demographic.

I took a snippet from the ranked most popular rap & hip hop music artists (2021) to help me start to think about what hip hop artists and rappers I can include in my magazine. This made me think I could add a hot this week section to give my magazine a more journalistic feel to it. It also made me think I could add a controversial section where a rapper who is in the spotlight makes a bad choice and maybe cancels their concert at the last second for example. These kind of features could make my magazine more interactive because I can add a text number where my readers can vote for a hot this week artist and song.


Creating this dating profile of a typical rap and hip hop listener and fan boy I was given the opportunity to represent my demographic as a rap and hip hop magazine producer.  Considering the details was beneficial because when I added “I teach street dance” to his profile it made me think, maybe I can add a street dance competition or raffle column into my magazine adapting my media to my magazine’s consumer’s preferred reading.

Glancing ahead, now having started to encode all of this information, I now know my content has a higher chance of being successful because of this innovative form of research. I have confidence in my content, now is time to focus more on the appearance of my magazine.



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