September 30

Preliminary Task

The brief-

A continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.

Over the past few lessons,we, as media students have been working on our preliminary task of making and editing a short video, bearing in mind the continuity editing rules.


  • I have used the following camera techniques- close up, long shot, panning. 
  • I used these techniques to create a sense of/that – I used different camera techniques to convey different things for example the close up was to show the clock ticking, the significance of time running out, the long shot was to show charlee walking down the long corridor, to show she had a long way to walk before she arrived and I used panning to pan across from the door to the action to make sure the actors were in shot. 
  • I have learnt to use the following continuity editing rules – the 180 degree rule when filming, also the match an action. 
  • I used the rules to – the 180 degree rule to make sure that the characters maintain the left/right relationship with each other, so we don’t cross the line, and it doesn’t become a reverse shot. 
  • I have learnt to use the following tools/techniques in premier pro – cropping, cutting.
  • I used the tools to – to crop the clips to the right length to make sure that the match on action was accurate and the cut tool to either remove clips entirely or move them around within the project, change their position. 
  • If I was to do the project again, I would- I would refilm some shots if they weren’t quite right for example the shot was too zoomed in or if any of the actors corpsed during filming, just so it would be perfect.

Here is our final project, im rather happy with the way it turned out:


Posted September 30, 2016 by hollykidd in category Uncategorized

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