February 6

Draft 2 – edit including titles

The next step to our final product was to add in our titles and once we had done this, we uploaded it to YouTube as our draft 2. Below is our second draft:

We were the  given audio feedback from some of our peers Nick and Kieran on our titles and whether they thought we could make any alterations. They commented on all aspects, the font style and colours, the length of each title and whether they thought the positioning worked. Their feedback was useful as it allowed us to evaluate our titles and again gain another perspective. From this, we went on to set targets for ourselves to improve our titles:

  • The main movie title needs to be bigger and more prominent which we will achieve by enlarging it and moving it to the centre
  • Some of our titles can’t clearly be seen against the lighter background therefore we need to change the font colour or move them to dark places on the screen
  • Our titles need to last longer in general.

Here is our feedback:

Posted February 6, 2017 by hollykidd in category Uncategorized

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