November 20

Visual Planning

As part of our planning for our thriller film, we each, in our production groups, created a mood board, in order to gather visual ideas of our film. Within it, we included images linking to our setting, characters, costumes, props, in order to gather a visual representation of what some things in our thriller will look like and also, the theme of our thriller.

For mine, it was relatively simple. Our basic story line is about a girl walking through a dark forest at night and then becomes paranoid as she s being watched and chased by a mysterious dark figure. In my mood board, I then included images of dark, misty forests which is what we have selected as our location and other creepy locations, in order to get inspiration, a girl walking alone in a bright red coat, this coat becoming one of our main props as the brightness of the coat standing out amongst the darkness of the forest is very visually effective.

My mood board is linked to this image below:


Ellie then shared her mood board with me so we could combine and collaborate ideas, and we came to find that the images and visual style we had both chosen were very similar. We’d both previously discussed adding the hint of colour with the coat which upon seeing it visually, we’ve decided  is something that we will definitely use. We both also included images of dark, mysterious locations and an unidentified hooded figure. This mood board planning has enabled both of us to have a better understanding of how our thriller is going to be styled and how it will be effective visually.

Ellie’s mood board is linked to the image below:


Posted November 20, 2016 by hollykidd in category Uncategorized

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