Filming for (Continuity) Editing

Creative Intention for the week

‘To explore and understand how to shoot video and edit footage for continuity.’

Reflective Journal

You should create a new page under Editing, called ‘Continuity Edit’.

This page must will be split into three sections:

1) Inquiry

Please find a link to this slideshow. Make a copy and embed into the inquiry section of the page in your reflective journal.

Find Continuity Edits in Hell’s Club

Identify two examples of each of the following. Note the time code when the following edits / shots takes place in the sequence.

  • Establishing Shot
  • Eyeline Match
  • Match on Action
  • 180 Degree Rule
  • Fast cutting speed
2) Action

“Film a character walking down a corridor, opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.”

In the edit you must demonstrate understanding of

  • match on action
  • eyeline match
  • shot/reverse shot
  • the 180-degree rule.”

Here is the script which we would like you to use.

You will be working in groups of four for this task and must each shoot the sequence, which you will be editing together over half term.

Edit your sequence in WeVideo in Friday’s lesson.


Here are two example preliminary tasks made by the media teachers, spot the mistakes:

3) Reflection
  • Embed the final edit into this section.
  • Write a brief (100-150 words) commentary on each of the following:
    • What did you learn about filming and editing for continuity?
    • What mistakes did you make?
    • How would you rectify those in the future?

Here is an example of a film, that uses a shot reverse shot in a three way conversation to shocking effect.

About Mr G

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